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Getting impatient...


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Chimay was sent to us from the breeder with a long clip to his wings, which I didn't necessarily have a problem with since all of the babies were allowed to fully fledge before coming home. We do intend on allowing his flight feathers to grow back in completely and keep him unclipped.


I'm starting to get SO impatient waiting for them to come back in! He's very happy and not clumsy at all, but there are times where I would like him to be able to go where he needs to when he wants. i.e. When we're cuddling on the couch, I'll see him begin to eyeball the top of his cage for some food/water or his Atom but all he can do is wait for me to put him there. Sometimes it's difficult to guess where he wants to go. He's becoming more assertive and gliding down from his Atom when he wants to get off of it, or off of his playtop.


No questions really, just wanted to whine for a few. Ha ha!

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My Ana Grey was long clipped when I got her too. Her breeder believed it was safer for her so she did it even though she knew I wanted Ana Grey to fly. It is heartbreaking to watch her try to fly, which she does all the time. I do see new feathers growing in so I am hopeful that by the time she is a year old, she will be able to fly! Both my fids are clipped and so they walk all around the house and I am always hunting for them. I count on my Lily, pug, to find them for me a lot of the time. I have all hardwood floors so I am always listening for the scratch, scratch, scratch of little claws and beaks of the flooring. I have dangling ropes and ladders around the bottom of hanging perches and boings and on their cages so they can go back in as they please if they are hungry or thirsty.

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I would LOVE to let Chimay walk all over the house, but we live in an apartment with carpeting that's already got a couple of poopie stains on it. Ha ha. I know when we're ready for a house, hardwood floors are going to be up there on my list of priorities for the birdie's sake.


When it was time for bed last night I put him on the floor and let him follow me to the bedroom where his night cage is...it was the cutest thing! I love watching him waddle. A couple times he did a little flying-hop which made me wish for flight feathers for him. :)

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Frustration I'm extreamly frustrated at least your bird was fledged before it was clipped so when the wings grow back she will be flying. Tyco's had a full set of flights for over a year now and still can't really fly. She is 6 yrs old and because she wasn't permited to fledge she never learned how to fly and now I'd love to see her in full flight like my other birds but there is a very good chance that will never happen. My Macaw is another one that I'd just love to see in full flight he also has all his flights but because sombody locked him up for so many years he won't leave his cage. this is about as frustrating as it gets I think you should count yourself lucky that when your birds feathers grow she will soar around your house without a problem 1 year is nothing in the life of a Grey you will have many many years of watching your bird enjoy flying like it was meant too.

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Tobie too was clipped before learning to fly. He has developed a habit of chewing off his flight feathers when they get long as if he thinks they should be clipped. Keeping my fingers crossed that this year he will grow new flight feathers. In the mean time he has almost no flight- so I take him outside with me without fear of his flying away and he enjoys foraging in the grass and being outside unhindered by aviator vest. Trying to make a good thing out of bad. He gets to just be a bird in other ways than flying.

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Dixie is long clipped as well, and glides nicely, and thanks to the forum here I learned early on to make sure she has ropes and ladders to get up and down on. We have two ladders in my office where her cage and swing are, it's so funny watching her walk down one ladder (from her cage - her door stays open all day when I'm home) and then across the floor to the ladder going up to her swing. Yesterday she surprised me, she came down off her cage, and walked over to me and then "chirped" ready to step up with her little foot waiting for my hand. I don't know if she'll ever fly, since I don't know if she was allowed to fledge, but I hope so!

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I have to laugh at everyone desperate for their babies to fly - Harvey's never been clipped and has been fully flighted since the day we came home. We can't go to the bathroom without him following us and regularly beats us up the stairs - no place is sacred! He can even sneak up on you when you're not looking - All of a sudden as I'm sitting here he's flown from the conservatory, through the lounge and the hall to the study and landed on my shoulder! I just hope they're all potty trained or there'll be a few additions to your flooring, doors, benches.......!

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Yep but that is to be expected when you have birds whether they are flighted or not, you are going to have to learn to live with poop.


It would seem you would tell the ones wishing their greys could fly to be careful of what they wish for, they might get it.

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