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Update on the Twins!


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Hi everyone I didn't forget about you over here. Thank You Caitlin for sending me a email and thinking of us!


I have been very busy looking for and getting a new job, my older son getting him all together, my other kids my baby son is graduating frm Jr High school and of course....The Twins! lol


Ok here's the break down real quick:


Ahmani- She is whistling and learning how to talk ALREADY! She has a nasal way of talking and is very feisty. She loves my hair but does NOT want to come down so I had to limit her from getting up there. I don't appreciate the growls lol :unsure: She wants to be petted when she WANTS too. She hates baths, and basically being told what to do NOW if she don't sound like a woman then I don't know who does! lol She has a way about her that she loves you on her time lol.


Ahjari- OMG the love of my life! {Love-00020118} He will let you touch you anywhere and doesn't growl at me. My kids call him a "mama's boy!" *grining* can't help that! He sleeps on my lap and on me and when I open up there cage there fighting to jump on me. He's very territorial of me and when the kids try to get him he runs the other way on me lol.


It's 9:11am so there eating away they LOVE oatmeal and dried cranberries. Ahmani is very possesive of the food dish lol. Here are a few pictures:




That above is Lil Ms. GREEDY!


Here is my Ahjari with eyes closed I don't think he liked the flash in his face lol:




This is them together Ahmani is on the right and Jari looking at her lol:




OMG There flying up a storm and chewed up my black blinds, my wooden room dividers and whatever they can get there beaks on to. They are starting to hang upside in my hands to play both of them are. I am grateful that they don't sling food they LOVE it too much lol. Ahmani hates being dirty and is wiping off her beak on there steel bowl.


So there you have it a MINI series on the babies! I will take more pictures later on....




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Carol, what a great update!


Ahjari sounds just like my boy Keeko, he is very much a mummys boy and wont let anyone near me, I have to watch him sometimes as he gets really posessive.


Yep,Ahmani sounds like an intelligent fiesty girlie dont you think?


They both sound like they are coming on in leaps and bounds and doing so well:)


The pictures are great! Please take some more for us wont you?


Im glad to hear everything is going well for you Carol, have a great weekend with your family x

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Hi Carol, it's GreYt hearing from you again, you were missed!! :-)


You have got one busy life right now, but it sounds like your still enjoying those two immensely.


They look GreYt and sound like they are a hoot to have around to fill your down time with joy, laughter and love. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/19 15:33

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Aww Carol I missed your updates and pictures of the twins. I'm so glad they are doing good. Boy is that Lil Ahmani a diiiiivaaaaaa lol. Ahjari sounds so sweet like my Ecko. I'm kind of sad though because I can tell Ecko likes my boyfriend a little bit more than he likes me, and whatta know I'm the one that cleans his cage, prepares his fresh food and cleans up after him most of the time. Lol but oh well we still do have a special bond and I love Ecko so much. Isn't it amazing being a parront? :P Well I'm glad everything is going good with you and the family! Take care Carol and can't wait for those more pics you promised. ;)

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Awww Thanks everyone for the welcome backs and love!


Caitlin you'll always have a special place in my heart too :) I am sorry that Ecko is being a lil stinker lol. One thing someone on here suggested I think it was Lovethat Grey or Janet I forgot but it was to make sure I was the one who fed the babies so we can have that bond. I been doing it ever since, my daughter doesn't think the babies like her at all cause there always pooping on her! lol


Thank You Dan, Christina, Acapella and of course Cautlin. Were having a ball and somedays im like wow there something else! lol I wouldn't have it any other way :-)

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Carol I knew you were busy with life but its nice you were able to drop in and give us an update on the greys, glad to hear they are doing fine and you too. Sounds like you have a new job, thats great to hear.


Thanks for sharing some pictures of your precious babies with us.

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Well I must say you've been missed. I hope you find a new job soon. and I hope things are better now that your son is out of danger. Thats a great update on your babies that little girl of your sounds like she's going to give youa run for your money:laugh: I know just what its like haveing a bird that likes your hair Adaya likes to hang from mine. do you have any Idea what its like to have a bird hanging upside down by your hair right in front of your face. Ahjari sounds like he's turning into the love of your life he sounds like such a little sweetheart. I love the pictures they are just awesome keep them comeing. I know you are really busy with family and the baby's but try not to stay away to long we miss you. Talk to you soon

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Caitlin-Awww I didn't see these posts damn where was I at when I added the comment to Cindy lol.

Aww I didn't see that I made it to 3rd place! Yipppeeeee.


Pat- She is a mess and when she hangs from my hair her feet get tangled we try and get her down then she starts screaming. Now mind you she made this mess by getting in my hair! lol Aww Thank You Pat it feels good to be missed. I missed you all too!


Judy- Aww Thank You so much I am really excited it might be less money BUT it's a steady paycheck and I have another interview today for the Marriot *cheap rooms* hopefully lol.


Thanks again everyone when the babies come out to play I will add more pics and maybe even a video or two!


Jungledreamz- Aww Thank You too!

Carol<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/06/19 16:18

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These baby greys have changed your whole life haven't they? It's really fun to listen to you write about the differences between the two. They really are individuals and it's fun to have a diva princess and a love bug at the same time! I'm so happy for you and I think both your fids are just gorgeous.

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