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What a Day!!!!!


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A day in the life of Spock:

5:30am: Spock wakes up and greets the world with an unholy groan and squawk, starting a chorus of answering squawks from the other birds and starts the dog barking. He hears us getting ready to feed our baby suns and thinks he has to eat too.

5:45am: Spock flies to the kitchen window and hangs upside down while watching the trash man empty the garbage cans. I am trying to heat formula water, fix his smash, drink a quick cup of coffee and juggle all the paraphenalia needed to feed the babies while he jabbers and hangs by one foot.

5:47am: Jay is trying to feed two hyper babies while I try to feed one hyper CAG. Spock thinks it is great fun to try to play with the babies and then fly to the TV to be fed while I chase him around and clean the cages at the same time.

6:30am: Everyone goes back to bed til 9am. We try to grab a nap too.

9am: Spock's ready for his breakfast and is up for the day. After eating (again) he flies over to eat seeds/pellets at his station. I am at the refrigerator getting our breakfast, and Spock flies below the radar and startles me by letting out his loud groan/squawk and landing on my head. I know he likes to startle me daily but I am still surprised and he likes to scare me...:blink:

9:30am: We are relaxing in the living room when I notice that it is too quiet. We look at each other and say, "where's Spock?" We run to the kitchen and find him on the table with his smorgasbord....chewed up bread, grapes with beak marks, cereal out of the box and....and enjoying a banana....AAARRRGGGG!:woohoo: to be continued....

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10am: I am in the kitchen trying to clean up Hurricane Spock and I hear excited Sun babies. I drop

what I am doing and run out to see what was happening. I saw Spock hanging upside-down on

the side of the cage, trying to beak and preen the baby suns and the baby suns were giving as

good as they got...

10:20am: I hear Jay laughing hysterically and I go to the living room to see what Spock was into

now...Spock is sliding, skipping and dancing across the length of the TV and back, while flapping

his wings and squawking...TOO FUNNY!:laugh:

11am: I sit for a moment to rest and realize that Spock is nowhere to be found...I start looking for

him in the kitchen and the living room, the bird room, the bathroom...I am beginning to panic

because Jay was outside in the garden. I go into the bedroom and he is there on the bed with

a smug look on his face and a BIG BOMB on the sheet...:evil:

11:05am: I am in the bathroom loading up the washer and I have Spock on the shower rod so I

can keep an eye on him (if he was a child, he would be covered in dirt, scabs and mischief).

When I turn around to get him, he is hanging from one leg upside-down and growling at me.

(Oh God, is that another grey hair?)

12am: I am serving lunch, pellets for Spock (he will only eat them soaked and softened...spoiled)

Spock runs for the plate and takes his usual header in the pile and eats two huge bites...he then turns

away and looks at the spoon and then at Jay...when Jay does not respond right away, he walks

over and picks up the plastic spoon and heads back over to his food....he takes a few bites and

wants to be fed after that with a lot of encouragement and praise....oh my!

12:10pm: Jay and I look at each other as we watch Spock climb down and go under the desk...

only 9 hours til bedtime....:whistle: to be continued:evil:

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Whew, am I glad my Ana Grey and Sully (Eclectus) are nice and quiet fids. The worst they do is search the house for me and if they can't find me go back to their cages and call for me. Even my Lily (pug) will quietly sit on the couch and wait for me to come find her. I do however get a big kick and a great laugh reading your posts about the adventures of Spock!!! Thanks for sharing your little spitfire with us!

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1:00pm: Lunch time...for everyone...I gave Jay his peanut butter sandwiches while I made everyone else's lunch. Jay got up to check the mail and when I turned around with Spock's mash I saw Spock help himself to Jay's sandwich!!! How much he ate and how much he shredded is a mystery....:evil:

1:15pm: Trying to feed the suns with Spock playing with them is fun...(NOT!) Spock flys around, the suns follow him, we follow them and when they stop, it's one squirt for them, one squirt for Spock...Just about the time Spock reaches for a squirt, he shakes and we have formula-decorated walls. :ohmy: It's really crazy when we are trying to feed the suns their 15cc's and they don't want to eat because they are having too much fun with Spock....

4:30pm: I have the suns put back, and Spock is doing his Fred Astaire impression across the top of our big screen TV. :laugh: Taking advantage of the situation, I try to start cleaning all the other cages, including the other conures and the cockatiels.

4:40pm: I am washing bird dishes when I hear a commotion from the bird room. Rushing over, I see Spock going from cage to cage, visiting all of them...oh boy!:P

4:50pm: I hear Rollo whining, Jay laughing hysterically and Spock growling...Spock is on Rollo's back trying to preen him. :lol: He can't understand why Rollo doesn't like it....

5:53pm: I am filling all the bird bowls with their veggie mix and I turn back to find Spock on top of the dishes, helping himself to whatever strikes his fancy...I picked him up and moved him to his favorite perch on the kitchen chair and when I turned my back, he helped himself to the fruit bowl and had his own version of fruit salad...(sigh)

7pm: I am taking a breather....Spock is playing between us....I heard a sound and found Spock onhis back with his feet in the air, playing dead...my heart stops for a moment until he moves his head and growls....I swear he likes to scare me...I have new grey hairs daily to prove it...

8:15pm: Everyone is down for the night...Spock flys over and lands on my hand. I pull him close to my chest and he leans in against my chest for a snuggle...What a sweetheart! I take him over to Jay and he snuggles against Jay's chest, under his beard and lets Jay give him scritches while he closes his eyes in ecstacy....:kiss:

8:30pm: Spock is ready for bed...he flies over to his cage and Jay puts him to bed...Spock snuggles in with his baby coos and dreams of more mischief to get into tomorrow :evil: :woohoo:

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