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Red Palm Oil


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Hi everyone!!

I was just curious how everyone gives red palm oil to their greys....Tuki is not a fan of oatmeal..would red palm oil make it more appealing to him?? or what other ways can i give him the oil? Thanks!!<br><br>Post edited by: melissa44685, at: 2009/06/18 18:46

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I put a couple drops of RPO in the oatmeal and Ecko loves it! I also put it on a piece of toast and spread it like jelly. I cut it in half and put it in his foraging toy and he goes crazy for it! Other ways you could do it is if you make some birdie bread you could put like 1/4 teaspoon in it or just drizzle some over his veggies. I did that with Ecko and he loved licking it, he loves red palm oil lol! Good luck I hope Tuki likes it as much as Ecko does, it is fatty so make sure not to give him that much in one day. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/18 19:57

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I give Josey her red palm oil in her oatmeal but other members drizzle it over their vegetables, grains, beans, rice, pasta and other things. If you scramble an egg you could add a little oil to it before cooking or mix it into birdie bread, there are many ways you can include it in their diet other than adding it to oatmeal.

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I put it in there warm oatmeal with dried cranberries, veggies and crushed pellets that they have leftover. I don't throw anything away. I mix the crushed pellets up with warm food and drizzle the palmn oil in it. They love it BUT just think there eating machines lol. Good luck Mellissa

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