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Need input My lovestruck grey is a tramp


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I'm looking to some of you old timers here to help point out my mistakes and comment on my options here.

As you can see by the picture I built Mazy a box in the tree between the two cages with a small opening in the lower right corner,to play in, as she is always looking to hide away rip up paper, and do her thing. You can see Mazy in front of it. I felt it wouldn't bring on egg laying as it is in public and even right next to the cockatoo. I put it up four months ago. the last month my grey has become,,,,, well let"s just say "been throwing herself at me". I have been careful not to caress below the head and try not to be alone in the room with her. (that"s a show in it'self)_(as Sam and his behavior is finding out)

This is the first year she has displayed these behaviors.

Two days ago she finally laid an egg. I know to leave it for thirty days and humor her. She's getting lots of calcium coming out to eat often, not spending all her time in the box (yet most of it) and all systems and energy levels are normal. I also understand there may be more eggs over the next few days.

Obviously the box may be a part of setting off her hormones, but she has had a couple of good old regular dependable haunts to tuck away in and play for several years and has never laid. Do I need to get rid of the box at the end of the "faking her out month" or can I maybe just take the front or top off or even make the front opening bigger.

Mazy is sixteen and I want to get another grey. Probably a male since I obviously have a female.

since Mazy laid an egg does that make her a better candidate for breeding or does that depend on how her and the mate get along?

I do want to get another grey to go along with Mazy

I understand another grey may take my place and Mazy may ignore me but I am all right with that just as long as she has a companion she enjoys.

I will be looking for a rescue bird if possible first. Which leads me to my next question. Does a timneh and congo get along or even possibly breed? There is an older (twenty five) year old needing rehoming here in Alaska. Are birds that old still breedable?

Understand , breeding is not my priorty but I'm doing more research on it.

If all remains the same here at the funny farm and there are no new birds to the flock anytime soon, do i just get to look forward to this pathetic love display every year or however often and if so? What can i do to minimalize it?

Thanks again ahead of time.

Bruce and Mazy


Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2009/06/18 06:37


Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2009/06/18 06:46<br><br>Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2009/06/18 07:01


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Bruce I had to laugh at first but I understand you are serious so here it is, I am an old timer but not with greys as Josey just turned 3 years old last month and with a dna'd female I may have the same problem in the future.


Take away the box, it is giving her the notion of nesting and you don't really want to encourage that, if she likes playing in things give her some paper or cardboard boxes that she can destroy. You don't want her laying eggs but you are right to leave them for a period of time then take them away.


I doubt very seriously if she would mate with a male grey as conditions have to be just right and she may not even like or tolerate a male you bring in. Usually pet greys do not make breeder greys and vice versa so give up that notion that she needs a mate.


She needs her usual attention from you and the rest of the family and to avoid touching the areas that heighten the arousal, the back, under the wings and anywhere around the tail area.


As far as her displays of affection, just ignore them and do nothing to encourage her to continue, she is just doing what nature tells her to do but the box has to go as she sees it as a place to go lay an egg.


If you are considering getting another grey just to be able to mate with Mazy then forget it, more than likely they won't even get along and lets not even go there about a Tag and a Cag together, they are different species and would not mate even if they got along with one another.


If you want another grey just for the pure pleasure of having another grey then by all means do it but forget this notion of trying to get Mazy a mate to breed with she would more than likely not have a thing to do with him.


Ok I am done now but I know Dave will give you some more advice as he is the expert here, I am just a novice but I have learned a lot from him.


Nice to hear from you again Bruce, stop in more often, we have missed you.:kiss:

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Judy is spot on.


The box needs to go or if you are considering purchasing an adult Grey in hopes of breeding, then the box and the greys of course will need to have a breeding cage with the nest box in it and good perching support for the magic to happen.

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Unrequited love, poor Mazy. You shouldn't play with a lady's heart, Bruce! You cad you!!! :kiss: My grey is only 10-months old so I have no experience in this matter. I do know that Dan and Judy know their stuff . . . so get rid of the box. I did want to say, what a great looking playstand you have made for Mazy. So regardless of what a heartbreaker you are, you are a great provider for your sweet little lady! Nice to hear from you Bruce. Don't stay gone so long next time! :)

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I think Judy said all there is to say one this subject. The box definatly has to go. AH that sweet that Mazy loves you so much and why shouldn't she look at all the wonderful things that you have givin her. That tree is just awesome I'm trying to build a tree stand for my fids as well but I'm possitive its not going to be anything near what you have for your birds. I also have female Grey's 1 is 6yrs old and the other just a baby and I;m sure I will also have to deal with these issues one day also. I am going through the samething with my 12 yr old Amazon at the moment and this year was the worst as far as raging hormones go. She made a huge hole in my wall above my kitchen cabnets. Which I covered with a peice of sheet metal so she can't do it again. I know how yo feel when their danceing and gurging and displaying their love for you. Like Judy said you really have to ignore it. I couldn't even touch my Amazon in anyway for awhile because she just got to excited thank goddness she's finally getting back to her old self again and I can scritch her little head without getting gurged on.lol Good luck with Mazy I do hope thing get back to normal soon for you.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/06/18 20:25

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Hey All : thanks for the feedback. I was pretty sure I was responsible for my own situation,,,,OK so the box goes! I will say I tried a medium cardboard box on the floor for a while with paper and toys before the wood box and she would just get herself settled in there and stay for hours and hours, so I said what the heck! Well, no more boxes.

Do I leave the egg in the box and take it down when I remove the egg?

I did make the tree for the birds. An ongoing project as I keep adding.

Upstairs in our bedroom we have a vaulted ceiling and I have a larger tree there for them to hang out with us when they are upstairs.

I'm not looking to breed , nor looking for a breeder for Mazy, unless nature worked it out.

I do want another grey for a companion bird but have no breeding expectations.

I'm sure the flock will increase in this house though sometime soon.

Thanks again

Bruce & Mazy

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OK just to make sure i'm on track. Mazy laid her 3rd egg tonight. One egg every4 days.

My plan was to wait the 30ish days and take the egg away and disassemble the box.

Should I keep the course with the 3,4,or 5 eggs I realize I may end up with or is it more and should I take any other action.

Any experience shared would be good here.



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Wow, she's really into you Mazy! :-)


Three or four eggs is usually the normal amount of eggs at one laying process.


But, I am sure someone like Dave with all his years of breeding experience can give you some helpful insight on this.

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