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I got a job! need suggestions for poor ZZero


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For the past 8 years I have been self employed, its been wonderful making my own schedule and such but there are many downfalls also. My business will continue with my hubby at the reins while I am going to start at Whole Foods. Money is great with wonderful opportunitys to advance ( already have me scheduled to train @ the Whole Foods University of Managment lol), pay is very good and the benefits you just cant beat. so back to a scheduled work day for me.


My poor animals are so used to having me around all the time this is gonna be a huge transition for the whole houshold. I really hope everyone is ok and this wont be too tramitic on ZZero. to try and make it smoother I will be part time for the first month (sweet of them huh?)but then I will be a full time empoyee gone for 40+ hours.


Any suggestions to make this smoother on ZZero?

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My guess is it will be harder on you than zzero.It will be strange but he will adjust just fine. I work full time shift work so my two are left for some time. I find it helps to give plenty of chew toys,my Charlie loves books to chew up. I also have a toy box in the bottom of the cage into which I put verious foot toys and treats wrapped up in paper for him to find.I also leave the radio on or the tv for him and Cracker.A neighbour also pops in if needed,I do the same for her dogs.


Good luck with your new job,it sounds great,enjoy.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/17 20:15

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I think maybe you should start leaving the house more than you do now during the day before you start working. Just so he can slowly get use to you not being there during the day. Make sure to give him extra foraging toys for him to keep busy. A lot of people work fulltime and still have very happy greys. Once you get a new routine going he should be fine. Good luck and congrats on the new job! :)

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Sheila is right, it will be so much harder on you than ZZero!


I was in the same position a few months ago, I returned to work after being at home with the birds for about 6 months. Did I worry, and still do! I am lucky I am staying on part time hours so I suppose I am quite lucky.


ZZero will be fine, just leave lots of foraging and chewable toys, leave some background noise on, I normally leave a radio on.


I think what Caitlin said is a good idea as well, start leaving the house for an hour or two now, try and get him used to this routine. The fact that you are starting on part time hours and building up to full time will help as well.


I hope you enjoy your new post and hopethat the change will go well for ZZero, Im sure it will


Good luck and keep us posted:)

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Thanks guys it really helps to hear that it might not be so hard on him, I have just been worried sick. This is great job and it benefits my family way more then what I do now. I am very excited but I will sooooooo miss my babies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the job is great , kicken my a@@ a little but worth it, ZZero has been just great, if truth be told told it seems to have made our bond better. After a year I finally had a regurgitated treat lol ( I WAS THRILLED).\


Also working for Whole fOODS zzEROS DIET IS BEYOND BELIEF, SO NATURAL AND HEALTHY WITH TONS AND TONS OF CHOICES. sry hit caps. So he seems very happy and all is going well.


I will try and get on but I have been basically working and napping and spending time with ZZero but as I get used to things I will actually be able to post some :)

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Its made it better because the time you spend with ZZero is quality time and not nesessarily quantity time, a lot of us have to work outside the home so we have to make what time we have for our greys the best we can.


I bet you get a discount on what you buy at Whole Foods and of course they have a huge variety of produce and stuff so yes ZZero is eating healthy.


You will get into a routine soon that will make this decision to go to work full time worth it and then you can work in some posting and chatting with friends here on the forum.

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