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Sam...Strange Behaviour...?


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Sam our 17 year old, male CAG now enjoys coming to my office in the evening and sit on my shoulder while I'm on my laptop. I'll usually open a separate tab on my browser and play some doowop oldies on YouTube. Sam sings and whistles along with the music. Sam has loosened up quite a bit, but we're still hesitant to scratch his head.


Tonite, while we're both sitting in front of the laptop listening to oldies, Sam walks from my shoulder down my arm to the top of my right hand. While I'm holding his table stand that's on my desk to support his weight, he gently takes my whole thumb in his beak and lift it to the side of his face. He then starts regurgitating his dinner,..first came a green pea, then rice augrautin. While He's doing this off and on for quite a few minutes, I also noticed his wings were stooped low and slightly outward and his red tail was wagging left to right. So, can any of you expert Grey owners tell what's up with this strange behaviour?<br><br>Post edited by: wbaradio, at: 2009/06/17 04:58

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Britt, Sam has paid you the highest honor, he really loves you but he sees you as a mate, the regurtitating, drooping of the wings is sure signs of it. When he is in these moods do not pet him down the back, under the wings and anywhere around the tail as those are the errogenous zones for greys, it will only serve to get him more frustrated.


I know to some people it is a gross act but it is the highest compliment for us bird people, you are so blessed.

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Mazy and I are just a step or two ahead of you in this behavior. I need to post a new thread which continues on from here, recognizing the love struck bird you and I both have has created some new options and questions I need answered and maybe can help you by not making the same mistakes I may have.

I can't even be alone with the bird.

Good Luck

Bruce & Mazy

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