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I want to whine...


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I wanna have my little whinge, so here goes...


Had to get some medical tests done today. I have a hiatus hernia which is giving me hell. It involved the placement of 2 tubes through my nose into my stomach. One was for testing the pressure inside the oesophagus, the other stays in place for 24 hours to do some more measuring and figuring what's happening inside. All going well, these tests will clear me for surgery to have the problem fixed.


So today I am housebound, with this blasted tube coming outta my snozz, which is attached to a small computer I have to carry around. It feels uncomfortable, like there's food stuck down my throat, and of course I'm not allowed to take the medication I usually take to control the symptoms, 'coz that will mess up the test results.


Cleo isn't happy either. I tried having her out, but she was unable to resist chewing on the tube and the computer, so I had to put her back in the cage under much protest from her. I miss my cuddle and play time with my girl :(

I'll try again tonight, which is the time she usually just sits on the back of a chair in the lounge and chills whilst watching tv. She seems not to mind too much, as she's whistling, chattering and playing with her toys as I am writing this.


Bah...roll on tomorrow morning so things are back to normal!

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Oh Azzie, so sorry for the inconveniences you are having to suffer through. I hope your tests help to see that surgery can clear up all your aches and pains. And poor little Cleo is probable worrying over what is going on with her companion. You and Cleo have a great evening watching TV together and you have a comfortable sleep tonight. Here's hoping all goes well and you are healthy and back in the pink in no time! Take care!

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That sucks. Suddenly the annoyance of having an insulin pump stuck to my butt cheek isnt so bad. Good luck. Maybe your winged darling can sit on your head? I stick my birds up there when they are gunning to chew on my pump tube. It is kinda silly when I answer the door like that, but the hair preening feels really good.

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ShroedersJen, at least the tube I had in was only for 24 hours, I feel silly now for having whined about that.


It was such a relief to get the tube out though. The best part was that I was able to take medication again to control the regurgitation (ironic that really). The pain was incredible, like there was a brick stuck sideways in my chest. I can now see why some people with indigestion confuse it with having a heart attack.


The results from the first test were good. The specialist said I had a beautiful oesophagus, which made me laugh. It was the nicest thing anyone had said to me all week! That's a good thing though, because that means the stomach modifications done through surgery won't affect my ability to swallow. As for the 24 hour ph probe, the results will take 7-10 days to be analysed.


Early next month they've booked me for a barium swallow, to see how much of the stomach is actually protruding into the chest cavity and sitting below the lungs. Apparently they're going to put pressure on my abdomen to see if they can get the stomach to "pop" into the chest area and capture it on x-ray.


I'm not a huge fan of surgery and being cut open and what not, but the sooner they can fix this the better!


Thank you all for your concerns and listening ears! It helps a lot to be able to whine and feel a bit sorry for myself with a sympathetic audience.

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