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Is he being territorial?


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Yesterday Ecko was acting completely different when people came into our house. He is usually very good around people and still has not bit anymore and will step up to them most of the time. But yesterday when someone came into our house he would puff up and dive bomb them. First it happened to my boyfriends sister(she is 21 y/o). Ecko absolutely loves his sister everytime we go to her house he always flies to her and she plays with him and they get along great. But it was so weird, when she walked in the door he puffed up, took off and swooped down on her really fast. He did this to her twice. Then she left and a couple hours later we had more visitors, my b.f's neice(7 y/o) and her mother(26 y/o.) He did the exact same thing to them. First he did it to his neice, who he is usually really good with her, and then to her mom. Everytime they walked he would go for them and get really puffy. So I had to hold him in order for them to leave. They are our neighbors and they visit a lot so its not like they are strangers to him. It is really strange behavior, I've never seen him do this before so what could it be? Is he being territorial to his home? The weird thing is just that morning my mom came over and she picked him up with no problems and he didn't puff up to her at all. Do you guys have any opinions on this?



Here is an update picture of the bad boy himself :P

b41cc8aa.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/15 18:37

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Mabie he was just having a bad day. or mabie he was having to much fun with you and didn't want anybody interupting I know if Adaya and I are haveing Quality time together and someone disturbs us she gets really mad and dive bombs them and chases them away around here its usually the dogs or another bird. It sounds to me like he just didn't feel like visiting and wanted it to be just you and him today. I could be wrong we will have to wait and see how he reacts the next time people come over mabie you got yourself a little guardbird who needs a dog when you have a parrot hahaha:laugh: :P<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/06/15 20:35

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That is an evidently sudden change in behavior. When Ecko swooped down fast at or on them, did he bite? I don't see any mention of what happened once he got to or on them.


It does sound aggressive all of a sudden. Ecko is what now, about 7 months old?

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No he didn't bite them, just swooped down really fast and then flew away. He will be 5 months old next Monday so he still young and I think it's pretty odd behavior being that young. It was the only yesterday that this happened so I will see if he keeps doing it and will let you guys know.

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Yes, at that age theres no telling what he is trying to do. He could just be having so good old kid fun by doing drive by's. But, it is ceratinly something to be cautious of when visitors arrive. Don't wntn any eye put out. :-)

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Ecko is still divebombing people when they come into my house. :( He isn't biting them yet but he still puffs up, gets scared, and goes for the heads. Also, he now has a disliking to my sister and we don't understand why the sudden change. She didn't do anything wrong to him, could it be that he is scared of her because she acts scared of him?? This also proves how smart they really are! My sister looks just like me, talks just like me, but is slightly taller than me and he can still tell the difference between us. How weird!


Why why why is he doing this?! We socialized him so well, we brought him everywhere, we made him step up to everyone and he did it fine. We brought him outside in his harness everyday, we went for walks everyday, we went for car rides everyday. We made sure to do these things with him so he doesn't do this and he still is. :S I'm very upset I don't want him to be mean. What can I do??

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Sounds like he's testing the limits and acting out. You might want to start giving him some boundaries and letting him know that it's not nice do dive bomb visitors. In fact I am certain that it must be kind of scary and intimidating. I would give him some cage time when he does that before it gets out of hand. Parrots who are fully flighted can get pretty sassy in that way and behave like they are invincible.

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I would say it is a phase he is going through and the dive bombing is to tell people this is my home and this is my family, so he puffs up to try and make himself look big to scare them away and dive bombs them to try and get rid of them.


Don't take this personally it has nothing to do with how well you socialised him, this is normal growing up bird behaviour, testing boundaries.


Now you have to deal with this issue, by maybe not letting him out while visitors are around for the time being until it stops. Or if you let him out and he dive bombs you need to let him know this is not ok and place him back in his cage.

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Yes I agree if he keeps doing this your going to have to cage him when people come over at least until he gets int into his little head that its not acceptable behavior. I hope this isn't something I have to look forward to with Adaya. I socialized her the same way you socialized Echo. Mind you I don't get lots of company because I live way out in the middle of nowhere. Still I do have a 13 year old daughter at home and her friends do come over I would hate to have to deal with an Irrate parent because my bird attacked their child. Adaya has started dive bombing the dogs and chasing them away when they come around when her and I are playing. She can get quite possesive of our time together when where spending quality time together.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/06/19 14:57

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I agree you have to teach him his behaviour is not acceptable. Can you get him to step-up when he is in this mood? If you can't you may have to cage him before company comes in. If you can, the next time he dives at company, make him step up, give him a firm no with a stern facial exprssion, and cage him for a time out. Give him some time in the cage being ignored, then give him another chance. If he repeats his behaviour, repeat your response. I'd also be careful not to let him out the moment company leaves, or he might think he was successful in making them leave. It sounds like he's testing you, and you have to win! Good luck!

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Thank you all for your help and advice! I am going to do everything you guys mentioned. I will put him in the cage before we have a visitor over. Yes he would step up to me when I asked him to but he would run all the way up to my shoulder to hide and puff up. So I know he is scared of them but I don't understand why all of a sudden. But I will do what you said and show him who's boss. Thanks again for the advice. ;)

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Im so sorry, I am no expert of course, lol, But I bet he grows out of it fast :) It does just sound like he is being protective and testing his boundries, It says in the books I have read that they will go through stages like this.


Kinda like how some babies start to hit or smack people, You just have to say "NO" and they learn and grow out of it...Its like they just realized, He I can use these hands to get what I want, IN the birds case, "I can use these wings and this beak, Let just see what I can get away with!" haha


Keep us posted!

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I think he is puffing up his feathers not because he is scared but because he wants to make himself as big as possible in the hope that this will scare people away.


You could also try when you have visitors come over to let them give him his favourite treat, bribery always works with these guys.

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So sorry Caitlin, I believe someone or something unintentionally has caused Ecko to be protective of his home and family. Hopefully this problem will correct itself if you are firm and consistent in your letting Ecko know that his behavior is unacceptable. I believe our fids do understand tone of voice and expression better than some people. Explain to Ecko why he is being put in his cage. They are so very intelligent and I know you can straighten this problem out with a little patient. Good luck.

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