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For those whose birds are shy..


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For those whose birds are shy and won't talk in front of people..have hope! Whisper has always been the typical shy Grey and would not talk in front of people but she is coming out of her shell. I have seen the biggest difference in her personality since the Cockatoo came.


This weekend some friends came over 2 watch a movie. They have never heard Whisper make a sound except on video. Well we had gone to dinner first and when we got back to my house we walked in and I went over to her cage and opened in up. She stepped out and right in front of my friends she said " I love you!, give me a kiss." And then she gave me a big kiss.


I was so proud of her that my friends got to see how great she is. She was a little chatter box the whole time. She watched some of the movie with us and at one point I got up and took Whisper over to her playstand and said "go poop" which she did. They were so impressed!


They just could not believe how sweet and loving she was and how well and clear she talked. I am just so proud of my baby for letting me show her off a little. The Cockatoo on the other hand went into "frozen" mode and would not move or make a sound the whole time. Probably for the best.;)


So, if you grey is shy about talking in front of your friends it may not last forever. They just may turn around the way Whisper did.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/15 16:56

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Aww thats great that Whisper came out of her shell. I bet it was great to show her off. Slater is the same way in front of visitors so hopefully he will come out of his shell soon too. Thanks for letting us know there is still hope lol. :)

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