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What's causing him to act this way?


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Hi guys. While Coco is a really affectionate and highly intelligent fella, there are some things he does that puzzles me and has me wondering if I'm doing anything to cause him to act that way.


1. Whenever Coco's perched on my arm and I'm walking to take him out to the garden to get some sun, he will always do a poop while we're en route.


2. Sometimes when he's again on my arm, he nips at my arm and only settles down for a head scratch after I tell him off firmly.


Do you guys experience this with your Greys? Any light you could shed on the matter would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Sometimes when I am walking with Ecko he will poop out of nowhere and I end up stepping on it eww :sick: When they gotta go they gotta go lol. When you take Coco out of the cage you should start a routine where you tell him to poop in a certain place. Some people are very succesful with potty training their greys, maybe this could help you. Also about the nipping of the arm, try giving him a toy to nip at instead of your arm. Is he nipping hard? Maybe he is just testing to make sure your arm is stready enough lol who knows? I'm no expert but hopefully this helps you a little.

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The potty training's a great idea, Caitlin. I have to try that. And yes, I've stepped on his poop a million times too many.


He tends to nip on my upper arm and the sleeve of my blouse and not my forearm where he's perched on. He does eventually settle down for a head scratch though and is just about the sweetest thing when he does :)


Thanks for your advice, guys :)

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Hello, I've recenlty adopted a 17 year old CAG, Sam. I believe the reason Coco nips your arm is because of feeling of instability on your arm. Sam did the same to me when I first got him. I have several other types of birds, that have never bitten me and I carry them everywhere. But, CAGs seem to be very sensitive to having a secure perch and sense of balance and stability. Your arm don't cut it! When carrying Coco around, use your hand with all fingers outstretched and STIFF for Coco to sit on. This makes for a steady perch. You can also use your shoulder, but move slooowly, and carefully when Coco is sitting on your shoulder.

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