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Does this sound like plucking to you?


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Indy is only 7 months, I know that's got to be too young to start plucking but I'm worried. I know there are several threads about this already but I wanted to get your opinions: He seems to be preening a TON. Tonight on a couple occasions I looked at him and he had a small grey feather (like from his chest) in his beak. He doesn't seem to be stressed out, gets plenty of attention, pellets, fruits, veggies and toys. He's even started to say a few words! He doesn't have any bare spots, and isn't even looking scruffy (yet) I'm just worried this could be a behavior that escalates. What do you guys think?

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They will always lose feathers. If you start seeing bald spots then it is time to worry. In the beginning I used to stress over every little lost or broken feather too. I think it is because we know Greys are prone to plucking and we anticipate it and worry over it. We want to be the best parronts possible and worry that feather loss means me are doing something wrong.


Just wait until he goes through the first big molt. Feathers everywhere! If he is scratching or preening a lot he could be itchy. Try cool water or aloe juice baths too soothe the skin and it should calm him down.

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I doesn't sound like you ahve much to worry about Adaya will somtimes get a loose feather stuck to her beak after she finishes a long preening session. When you see her dilibertly pulling out or chewwing off her feathers thats when to start worrying about it

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def sounds like molting, which can start from around 8-9 months, aloe mix would def help soothe itchm dryness and irritation which molting can cause....

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I'm a little alarmed- if you look at this picture of Indy's back, it now looks like he's chewing on a couple of his feathers! Normal during first molt or not? I took a picture of his front too, it's a little blurry, but he doesn't have any bald spots anywhere. I tried to mist him again and he growled and carried on as if I were hurting him.



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