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Question about beaks


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For all of you who were great the last time i posted, thank you very much. here is a quick update about kira and then i will ask another question. kira's feather actually molted out very quickly. i think this is because there was not enough cover around it, as she has still not molted the quills from the three primary feathers around the identified one. as i result i do not believe that this feather has developed the support to grow straight. kira is molting these quills now and hopefully she will continue to grow her wings.


now here is the question. for the first time ever, kira is favoring the side of her beak, only chewing off to the side. this is strange for her. it happened a little after supper tonight. my wife things that maybe kira bruised her beak she fell a little. this happens on occassion when she is startled. there does not appear to be any breakage and she can put pressure. she did crack a few snacks. my wife will be home with her tomorrow and will monitor kira, but any advice will be most welcomes

thanks in advance and i apologize for not posting more regularly

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I'm a little stunned too, but I wouldn't worry too much, just keep an eye on her and if you feel something is not right, take her to a vet for your own peace of mind.

Don't worry about how many times you post, there is no set limit, just ask if you have a question and chime right in if you have some advice you want to share with us, we want to help each other.

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Not sure what you see so it's difficult to respond to you question.. I suppose if she fell on her beak it could have sort of Jammed like a person jams their finger.. Otherwise the beak itself is like finger nails.. It can't really get hurt.. It can break but you don't see any of that correct.. So maybe she jammed it and her "jaw" is sore.. It's possible..

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Listen to these two.. Judy and Talon.. They have over 1600 posts between them.. You don't believe for one second that they only post when they "can" do you.. :P :P :P :P That's the funniest thing I ever heard.. They post like most of us post.. Because we are addicted.. That's way... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Guest briansmum

is it possible the bird can feel that one side of it's beak has grown more than the other, maybe you can't see it, but the bird knows and is chewing on that side to wear it down.

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Guest Lidia

The beak is made of the same keratin substance as hair and nails and has a sort of honey-comb structure internally. It does have nerve endings and a blood supply (that is, the part nearest the bird's head has the nerves and blood-supply, the sharp end doesn't) and so if she's given herself a bit of a bash on the tip of her beak she might just be favouring the side of her beak until she can put pressure onto the tip again. It doesn't sound like anything to worry about. It does happen. Just keep an eye on her to make sure it's not still hurting her after a couple of days.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/03 13:53

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It always is comforting to get advice from owners that truly have kept these birds for many years. We can all learn a lot from others and having lengthy experience provides a sanity check to many owners with rather young birds! B) Thanks to all who contribute!!

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Guest islandgirltexas

judygram wrote:

Thanks for the great link, Deborah.


my pleasure..research is what i do..lol bike14-5b8d67eea6ecc367346fbc585e90bc42.jpg


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Kira appears to be using her full beak, though she is not fully restored to her usual chomping. i made an appt to see the vet next week. did not want to rush to see just any avian vet, as there are plenty of not such great one's and only a few great ones around here. hope to get the full medical thumbs up next week but she is looking better each day

thanks all

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Thanks Blidner for the update, I am glad she is doing better but a vet visit will ease your mind but not your wallet. I have taken my grey to a vet who specializes in birds but I think I am going to change over to one who is avian certified on the recommendation of my breeder friend, the only one she uses and trusts.

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