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I belong to a fantastic photography forum


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For anyone interested in improving their photography.. I have belonged to a wonderful forum for about 5 yrs. I have learned just about everything I know there. I just wanted to share if anyone is interested in improving their photography or sharing their knowledge with others. I am queenbee288 on the forum.







If you want to you can check out my photo galleries here.



http://lanephotography.smugmug.com/<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/13 04:06

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I really enjoyed looking at your photos. Very nice. I'm curious, how did you get such a black background with your Grey, Whisper? I really liked those photos where it's dark in the background. I have over 200 photos of AnnaBella in my album but none are totally black in the background. I have a few where I used a black blanket, but I can tell. How do you do it if you're using a flash, especially an external flash?



Heather<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2009/06/14 07:16

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Thanks guys. If you are using an external flash then you have to keep in mind that 2 exposures are taking place. You meter the camera for the background and adjust the flash for the subject. So if you want your background to be darker then underexpose with the camera but set your external flash to properly expose the foreground (your subject).


For those photos of Whisper I used a black fabric tacked to the wall and an external flash shot through an umbrella. The background was far enough away that my flash was not lighting it. Hope that helps. A lot of people make the mistake of having the subject too close to the background.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/14 08:41

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Thanks guys! I am glad you enjoyed the photos. The 2 videos I have up are rather old. I have a bunch more that I just have not edited and uploaded. When I sit down at my computer in the evenings after getting the fids to bed I don't work on them because I don't want the noise to keep them awake.

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