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lol i got attacked


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well, my friend was giving pepper a bath by squirting her, she didnt seem to mind it at first she usually likes it.


but she's been grumpy lately. sooooo i picked her up to comfort her and she latched her beak onto my braces and bent the wire which brought it forward.


so, my lip was hurt along with my top braces wire. however, its quite funnny now.




pepper has decided when she's mad she'll go after my braces.


other than that i havent posted in awhile so hi!! pepper is doing great


I just found out she was born JULY 4th!!: ) which means she turns 1 soon. so stoked!:side:


o! and heres updateeeeeed pics of my baby(=






i wish i had videos of her everyday life haha i got pretty lucky with this bird. she has an awesome personality.<br><br>Post edited by: Brittany, at: 2009/06/12 22:55

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no, we bought her the feather tether and she hates it. absolutely terrified of it.



i am amazed of how well she behaves outside.. truthfully. yes i know it's dangerous but she can't fully fly and im always sitting there with her. however i plan on buying her the other harness soon.


yeah i lovee her lol

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caitb2007 wrote:

OUCH! Thats gotta hurt! :pinch: If I were you I wouldn't let her go near your braces! Their beaks are so strong she could rip them all off in one pull. I like your new pics, she is very pretty. Thanks for sharing.


yeah it hurt really bad. and i was SO mad at her but its not her fault. she was upset.


she got enough punishment sitting in the cage 2 hours while i was gone haha (shes never in the cage)


yeah im being extra cautious now. even if im not too close to her face she'll just maul my face haha :P

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You should harrness train her if your going to take her outside. even clipped birds will fly away if the get startled or frightened and if theres any breeze at all she could carch the air currents and you would never see your sweet baby Grey again. harrness training is one of the very first things I did with Adaya as soon as she could fit into one. She's not crazy about the harrness but she loves being able to come every where with me and I just love takeing her if she wasn't harrness trained there is no way I would take the chance unless I put her in a travel cage.

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Sorry about the brace problem Brittany. Hopefully Pepper will find something more interesting to nibble on soon. I took my new Eclectus outside without a harness or cage a few times and he sat quietly on my shoulder and then one day he just lifted off and flew 20 feet towards the street. I was lucky to have reached him before he took off again. Sully is clipped too. It's amazing what they can do when they are determined. I immediately got a new travel cage for him. I only take him and Ana Grey outside in their travel cages now. I am just so grateful that Sully didn't decide to take off every time I got close to him. This is my sweet lumbering giant, I didn't think he had it in him to take off like that. Was I rudely awaken!!! I wish you and your sweet Pepper a long and happy life together. It is so clear that you trust and love her dearly.

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Wow, Pepper has certainly matured and grown into a beautiful Grey. Sorry to hear about the painful bite and bending of the braces. Its good to hear it all worked out ok in a couple of hours.


Thanks for posting these photos and hopefully we'll see more and more often. :-)

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I was just thinking about what you said about Pepper being absolutly terrified of her harrness so I was just thinking mabie if you don't want to cage her you could try a teather which is just a light weight slip knot around her leg at least that way she can't go any where get yourself a nice strip a veggatable tanned leather or a thin peice of nylon rope and make a small noose to put around her ankle just make sure it not to long or too tight she may except that better.

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