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Wont Go Back In Cage


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Hi we got a african grey named poppy hes just comming up to a year old now. We let he out the cage about 3-4 nights a week when hes out hes fine but when its time for bed he will not go back into his cage he just stands on top of the cage i hold my hand out he jumps on when i lower my arm to put him in he jumps off onto the top again i have to do this atleast 20 times what am i doing wrong ?

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If you are letting him out 3-4 nights a week, I would say that he needs more time out of his cage than that.


ALL greys should get time out of the cage daily for a minimum of 4 hours per day. ( some say less )

He doesn't want to be in his cage becuase he has learned that it might be a long time before he gets out again.

Can you imagine yourself locked up and not getting out for the WHOLE day?

these birds are far too smart and need to keep busy as well as they need to flap and stretch their wings.


When I take Dalia out of her cage after work the first things we do is FLAP FLAP!

Which is I hold her feet one in each hand (gentle) and she FLAPS away to release that pent up energy!



I am in no way trying to make you feel bad, obviously you care for your bird and just need a little advice.


You came to the right place. :P

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Thanks for your advice its a little difficult to take poppy out all the time as we both work hard all day and dont get in til 6-7ish once we have sorted kids out and food its like 8-9pm then. Im not making excusses but if poppy needs more time out the cage then we will have to take him out as soon as we get home we like him in bed at 9:30 because hes up with us at 6:30am and thats a long day for him with no sleep (not sure if he sleeps through the day) Thanks Mark

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Yes, I understand.


But, I too work until 5pm everyday and I have to grab my son from daycare as well so I get home 5:15-5:30pm everyday.( sometimes later)


As soon as I come in I say "HIPretty Girl" and Hi to all of my other fids and Dalia gets to come out ASAP.


She is up btwn 6-7am every morning, and I know she sleeps/naps while we are away during the day.

( see her do this on wknds. )


I then have her out for most of the night putting her back in for moments when its unsafe to be out.


I have a playstand in our living room that she perches on and she will sit there for a while, while I get some things done that need to be done around the house.

I cuddle with her for about an hour a nite, then she starts yawning and usually is in bed in her cage btwn. 10-11pm.

Weekends She is out most of the time.


She never gives me problems with putting her back in her cage for bedtime. I tell her it's bedtime;time to go to sleep and kiss her goodnite and say I love you, your such a good girl.


Of course those are the things she is now attempting to say!


Cristen<br><br>Post edited by: myafricanqueen, at: 2009/06/12 23:38

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After your bird comes on to your hand/arm/wrist and you're ready to put him in the cge, simply take the other hand and hold it over your bird's back. You don't have to actually touch him but it will prevent him from taking off.

3 or 4 times a week during the evening is pretty good especially if you work. Birds can get spoiled and simply won't obey a command or action just because you want him to. That especially applies to young, head strong birds that are in an area where they feel free. You may have to put up with this for a while but blocking his ability to take off can help. Eventually, they get the idea.

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I have a bird who is a little bit older Mark and he is doing the same thing at the moment, I think they go through a phase where they like to test us:)


My grey is very headstrong!


I will also follow Dave's advice and see if this works for me as well.


Good luck, let us know how you get on wont you?:)

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Thanks to everyone and i will try these things we dont wanna spoil him too much ie taking him out every night :). At the moment getting him back in the cage is really getting us down :( we leave him out for 3 hours he starts to yawn so i just think hes ready for bed but he will not have it we try for over an hour most nights just to get him back in the cage lol. We will keep trying and ill keep you all posted thanks again :laugh:

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My grey is luckier. She is out of cage most of the time coz I am self employed, operate from home. I don't have problem getting my grey in the cage for bedtime even though she is reluctant to go in. I always place my palm over her body when I take her in to prevent her from flying away.

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My birds have had the same rotine for so long they go into their cages on their own at bed time 9:00pm everynight I say ok baby its bedtime into your houses and they all go and then I make the rounds in the order that I got them all give them their scritch and a kiss goodnight and cover their cage. Its so easy when you the rotine is exactly the same all the time if I'm late 5 minutes for bedtime they remind me and say nite nite over and over until I tuck them in LOL

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my grey Gaia willingly goes into her cage every time i ask her but she is 5 years old now.,when i first gor her a year back i had a little amazone and she refused to go into the cage.,but i put them to bed same time every day if possible .., now i have a cockatoo at 1 year and she can take hours to get in the cage.,.,i put my palm over her back and get her in that way.,she is used to be caught by a net by the people that have her before and i dont want to do that ., some times i can lure her into the cage with some of her favorite food .,and its going better each day.,becuase she know she will be out again the next morning.,


i also takes them out during the day when ever i can.,and since i work at home i can have them out a lot .,i can see your problem with long work hours and kids .,maybe you should try and take him out sometimes when you come home and let him join the routine in the house or try and find out what his favorite food is and put it in the cage when he has been out for a certain amount of time .,


sometimes i get Sille in her cage and then leave the door open so she can go out again .,that way she will not feel that every time she goes into the cage that it will be long before she gets out again .,

hope this will help a bit .,


good luck .,:laugh:

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