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Missing my Polly


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Aww Diane, everyone is with you on this, don't feel too down, put all your energy into finding Polly. Dan got lucky and you just might also. Keep your chin up and if you don't get her back in a few days you will have to go a little further afield but she can't have gone that far if she is clipped. It could've happened to anyone so please don't blame yourself.


Thoughts & prayers xxx

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Keep up the search and don't give up! Do as Dan suggested, contact as many places you can, use the internet as much as you can. Hopefully someone will see it. Also, I like the suggestion that Polly may be someone near hiding. Please keep searching....:(

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Still no sign,

She was not keen when strangers came into the room, so I can only hope that if someone has got her they will hand her back as she would be noisy and vicious towards them.

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No news, I feel so empty without her,part of me finds it really hard to look at the forum to see all of your lovely birds it breaks my heart.

I still hold some hope to see her again but it's fading as the days pass by.

Will be back soon.

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