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The Bubble Burst?!


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Hi Folks,

It's been a wee while since I was on, and quite an eventful couple of months really so thought it's time to post a wee update.

Ok, so the bubble hasn't actually burst, but deflated a little.

The short version is, Alfie has just been to hospital for some investigative surgery. The most major discovery is that he is a girl!

The long version, if you have a couple of weeks to read through it(!), goes like this.

Around the middle of April, Aflie's behaviour changed drastically over a couple of weeks. The first thing we noticed was the screeching. His usual tuneful whistles were replaced by long high pitched whistleing at the top of his voice. This was accompanied by some nasty biting of my fingers. This noisy, bolshy period lasted about a week, after which he became very quiet and withdrawn, and this is when the feathers were targeted again. Over two days, he chewed his flight feathers so severely, it's affected his flying. Allthough he can still fly short distances, he can't fly uphill, and if he needs into his cages for a drink or a nap, he has to come to us for help. We weren't aware of any changes that had been made in the home that would have upset him, and although I had been in hospital for a week at the beginning of march, he'd gotten on fine with david while i was gone, and other than being stuck to my cheek for about three days when i came home, didn't show any signs of having been upset by my absence (he will happily go to david and sit with him, but alfie is still very much my baby).

So at this point, maybe two weeks after we first notice a change, we booked an appointment with the vet. 3 days later when we saw the vet, Alfies behaviour was pretty much back to normal, apart from the flight, but we went anyway thinking there must be an underlying cause. (The last time he chewed feathers, we did find mites)

However, our local vet found nothing and so referred us to a specialist in the city.

When we eventually got our appointment booked (about three weeks later, as our own vet had forgotten to book the referral!), we had a very thorough consultation about his lifestyle/diet etc (I've had trouble with diet for a while, and although Alfie does have a healthy appetite for fruit and veg now, he still refuses to eat any diet but his seed mix - i've been feeding him harrisons since around christmas, but he's not really interested, and even turns up his beak at the sunflowers if i add supplements) the two main things the vet was concerned about was diet, and sunlight. So we left with lots of tips on diet conversion, and a UV lamp, plus another appontment to go back for bloods, x-rays and an endoscopy to get to the bottom of whatever it was.

The x-rays showed an unusually easy to sopot spleen, and not much else. The endoscopy confirmed that the spleen was a little large (splenomegaly), which the vet expained , could indicate infection, the liver was slightly rounded (hepatomegaly)which could mean reduced function, and there was a mild air sacculitis. There was also some ovarian development. The vet did stress to me, that while these things all needed watching, he wasn't too worried by anything. We're still waiting for the blood results, and i've just sent some of Alfies droppins away for sampling aswell. While he was sedated, they took out all the chewed feathers too. I had asked my own vet if they could do that - you know how you keep chewing at a ragged fingernail - but she said there was no need!!

It's been three days now, and so far, fingers crossed, no feather or wound chewing. I've introduced Avix Bird Builder Supplement to the water and that seems to be going down ok, and have got some Harrisons Bird Bread Mix and Harrisons Power Treats, which are all supposed to be good to help with diet conversion.

Behaviour wise, Alf is pretty much back to normal, Talking away, and his newest craze is blowing kisses, he doesn't seem to be any worse for his spell at the doctors. It will take a wee while to get used to him being a she - I've just realised I've been referring to "him" throughout this whole post! I'm not too surprised he's a she, I always thought Alf had terribly pretty eyes for a boy. David's a bit gutted - he always thought of him and Alf as "the lads" in a house full of girls!

I think we stil have a way to go, but hopefully, before too long, we'll have a healthy happy girl.

Incidently, when we were speaking to the vet about getting her better, he spoke as if we might just give up and not bother trying! Apparantly, he reckons he's seen it all too often, this is when a lot of people give up on their birds and rehome them!

Hope you and yours are all well.


Lyn and Alfie


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Wow! poor Alfie has been through so much. I really hope everything turns out ok for him! You are a great parront and its so true what you said in the last paragraph! It's so sad that there are people who could give up their babies when they become sick. Alfie is so lucky to have you as a parront, you are truely very caring and I pray for the best for you and Alfie!

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Thanks so much Caitlin, for your kind words. I have been feeling really guilty about the diet situation, but trying really hard to put it right - giving her up at this stage isn't an option at all. I really thought twice about her even having the op cos i was so worried about the anaesthetic!

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I'm sorry to hear about the problems you've had with Alfi. isn't it nice that you have a sweet little girl. I have 2 girls so I'm patial to them. If Alfi eats his fruits and veggies well then I wouldn't worry to much abot the pellets. I have a couple birds like that. Then I have one that eats pellets veggies and every other kind of food that I offer but won't touch any kind of seeds thats really strange to me. Mabie its because she was a rescue and never got anything else but seeds before she came to me. What ever the reason I'm not going to complain Tyco has always been a little different from the rest in every way. You will have to keep us updated on the results of the blood work and poop test please. I hope everything turns out fine. its good that she is back to her normal self its hard when you don't understand whats going on in the litte heads and you have to try to figure it out. I hope the worst is over for you now and things get back on track again I will say a prayer for that. keep in touch and vist us more often I love to hear how all our little family here are doing when you get a chance mabie some pictures would be nice also. Talk to you soon I hope.

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Pearllyn, its nice to hear from you and Alfie. Congratulations, on your little girl!! Sorry to hear about all of Alfie's problems, but you are a good parront to immediately get to the bottom of the problems. I will be sending out good thoughts and wishes for Alfie's quick and complete recovery. Good luck with the diet. Please keep us posted on your sweet grey!

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Hay again,

Have just spoken to the vet who says bloods show liver to be fine, white blood cell count normal, calcium levels a little low (8.6 where the norm is 9.2 - 9.8) but nothing that won't be fixed he reckons by the UV lamp. Just waiting for the poop results now which will test for Psittacosis. fingers crossed.


Lyn & Alf



P.s. click on this link (or copy and paste) to see a wee vid of Alfie the day we got her home after her op.


edited by: pearllyn, at: 2009/06/13 16:09
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Hi Folks,

Just a quick update on Alfs progress. It's almost 2 weeks now since her vet visit, and her wound has healed nicely, new feathers are well on their way and so far, no chewing (although she has unwrapped a couple!).

The AviX bird builder supplement that I've added to her water seems to have done wonders for her appetite - after having absolutely no interest in the Harrisons for around 3 months, since I started mixing it in with the Birdy Bread she's started picking at it within the fortnight! She also seems to be really enjoying the UV lamp, sitting as close to it as she can get when it's on!

No word yet on the other test results we're wating on, but will keep you posted.

Hope this post finds you all well.


Bye for now,


Lyn & Alfie


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