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Update on Vlooi....


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I am so busy at work gosh peeps can't seem to move my butt.....Anyway Vlooi is doing great wil be visiting 2morrow I can't be there as much as I would love to but next week I have the time to visit every second day!!


He accepted the toy in his cage yeah!!!! So now toy number two is hanging on the side I opened him up but he refuses to step -up and I got bitten and he growls at me and says "leave,leave" he has a amazing vocabulary I know I have said this a zillion times lol but he is very talkative and cries like the baby does lol.... He won't come out of the cage I think he is scared for the outside world as being locked up for so long but we wil get there PATIENCE is the word.....


I took fruits for him and he likes apples :P but not the pellets they fed him people food all the no-no's and I told them to please stop so now his on the foodies I bought him I think the woman thinks I am crazy lol..... But what the heck I don't care!!!!

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Yes he is playing with it biting,and punching around wel she is okay with everything probably happy that I am doing this so she doesn't have too and I mean it in a nice way....she has alot of personal problems that I know now for spending time there ....I will have to take pictures like the papparatzi lol...he won't pose his stubborn the poor little guy!!!

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You are just so wonderful for trying to help this little guy You realize of course he may bond with you because of al the things you are doing for him. I'm so glad what a big heart you have. I'd really love to see some pics even papparatzi style:laugh: I saw a AGC at my vet the last time I was there and I swear this little bird was smaller than a Timnah so they do come in lots of sizes from very small to very large. Tyco looked just massive compared to this little one that I saw. For that matter Tyco is big even compared to Adaya my other AGC as yo can see in my signature.

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No pics yet:( Saturday morning she called me she were leaving for Jhb her courtcase is today and the boyfriend is working so her brother came and fetch her the weekend and I didn't wanna go there if she's

not home going 2morrow it's a public holiday here yeah!!!!!:woohoo:

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Well I will be waiting on pins and needles til tomorrow I can't wait to see if he's accepted the other new toy, and picture, and all that stuff. I just think its wonderful that this little guy is getting some attention and love even if its not from his owner she should just let you take him home with you. I bet you could have him turned around in no time.

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