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Horrible Store

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Guest Lidia


That's atrocious and heartbreaking. Well done calling animal control, keep on it!

The last CAG, the tatty one, is no baby. He's at least two years old (when their eyes lose the grey colouring).

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Anyone know of rescue centers in the area that will go in and just literally take these birds?? This place should be closed down, NOW. Horrible. In So Cal this place has people that will rescue birds:


Parrots First

P.O. Box 66223

Los Angeles, CA



Toll Free voice mail:

(866) 248-7670

Ext. 5937


their moto: "At Parrots First, parrot adoption, care education and rescue are not a few of the things we do; they are the ONLY things we do."


...maybe we should contact them?

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You got that right, CD, I wish the owners would have to live in the same exact conditions and see how long they would last. This breaks my heart to see things like this and that there would be people who would do such a thing.

Keep on this HeatherStrella, we are behind you on this, we want to see these birds in a better situation, now.

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Well, I never heard from the officer. It's after hours now so the office is closed. When I called this morning, the dispacher said that there were 10 calls ahead of me and to be patient. I guess I'll wait until tomorrow afternoon and call again. What do I do if they don't do anything? I was thinking about going back to see if they cleaned up at all. Maybe the officer will scare them even if they're not in violation of any laws...even though I can't imagine it's legal to keep animals in those conditions.

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Maybe you can ask around and find out who else you can contact to file a complaint, maybe a humane society or something. I think I would put myself there in their store and let everyone know who comes in to see the deplorable conditions and would they purchase a bird from them. Put pressure on them to clean up their act. These kind of situations are what make me sick to my stomach, but most people would just say, well they are just animals. I know what I would like to do to them and I am not by myself either.

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As far as agencies go, first, I called Animal Control for my county but this place isn't in Sacramento county so they had me call Yolo County Animal Services. It's actually the Sherrif for West Sacramento. This pet store is about 45 minutes from where I live. SPCA doesn't deal with them because it's not the right county and they don't have their own SPCA. I will look into the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals. Here's a stupid question...should I wait until the sherrif has been there before I go back? My thinking is this. I WANT them to get caught with the dirty cages...but then again...I want them to clean the cages as soon as possible. I just don't know what to do. I think it would be better in the long run for the animals if they were caught with the things the way they were when I took the pictures. But, the thought of those poor birds living in those conditions is so sad...I even thought about going there myself and cleaning their cages. What good would that do, though? It would help them for a few days...then their cages would be dirty again. I wonder if a bird rescue group would do anything...

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I just called the SPCA anyway because I didn't have the phone number written down. I kept a log of everyone I called this morning. I called it and they're only open Tuesday through Saturday...now I remember that I read that on the internet this morning...that's why I called the other people. I will call them tomorrow...:) Maybe there is hope for these lil guys...I hope it doesn't matter about the county....


P.S. Sorry for all the posts...I'm kinda scattered right now...my brain is fried thinking about the poor birds and how helpless I feel.

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Don't apologize for the posts, I don't care how many it takes just as long as something is done about this. Yes if you can find some kind of local animal rescue organization they would help you I'm sure of it. Keep at it, heatherstrella, these little guys are depending on you and you have my karma tonight, you deserve it.

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You're doing all you can right now. I wish we could all go there and each rescue 1 bird. But call first thing in the am, and let us know how you make out. Keep at them, pester them until they do something!!

Please don't apologize about all your posts. We want to be here and help anyway we can.:dry:

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I called the animals services department this morning and the dispatcher said that the officer went out there on Monday and said the store was "cleared for services"...whatever that means. I asked the dispatcher to have the officer call me. I went out to the pet store this morning and found that they had cleaned all the cages. They were sparkling clean. The CAG that is in such bad shape has more toys in the cage too. I don't know if they did it between the last time I was there and when the officer was there or if they did it because the officer was there. The guy that I talked to when I was there the first time was there today and my friend was talking to him about one of the birds and he wouldn't even look at me. I think he knows I'm the one who called the animal services to come out...I'll keep going out there every few days to see if they're keeping the cages clean. I wish the store was closer to where I live, I could go out there more often...oh well, hopefully the officer who made the "welfare check" visit scared them into keeping things clean...

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Thanks Heather for staying on top of this, it is a shame that people have to be that way, but visit every chance you get so they will keep it clean. I have one karma left today and you get it. Keep up the good work and keep us updated on this situation.:)

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Well, it seems my phone call this morning prompted another visit...lol. The only reason I called this morning was to find out what happened with the visit on Monday...but, maybe they misunderstood and went back out there. The officer who called me said that he went this morning and the only thing he found was dirty water...they hadn't had a chance to give them fresh water before he got there. He must have gone before I went cuz I didn't see that. He said the water was really bad...I change Harrison's water 1-2x a day and it's never been "dirty"...they must have been off work yesterday and no one came in to work with the birds. He said that the officer who went on Monday morning had them clean up. (YAY)...he asked me to keep in touch with them and if I find anything else wrong to please call them and they'll "encourage" them to keep good care of the birds. Thanks for "listening" and thanks for the good karma :)


P.S. I wonder what it would take for them to take the birds away from them. It must take more than dirtiness...I'll be keeping an eye on them, though.

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Wednesday being the holiday probably no one came in to do anything. I would imagine things would have to be a lot worse before the birds would be taken away, I shudder to think of what that might be. Its a shame that people do that to birds or any animals for that matter, it is all about the money, not the birds welfare and health.

Thanks for doing such a good job and keep after them for us.:angry:

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Heather, I'm so happy to hear that they cleaned up those terrible conditions. I hope things stay this way, and they learned their lesson. Please keep us updated when you are able to visit the store. You did very good! More karma for you!!!:cheer: :cheer:

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