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Don't get along.......


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So yesterday I took a chance of taking Boesman to Torry

what a mistake they immediatly clashed I got a scare they clashed with their beaks biting each others beaks I immedialty took Boesman away I thought I could put them together because if Boesman hangs up side down on my clothes and I go near Torry's cage Torry wil swing side to side and make mating sounds?? But they are both male and strangely Torry loves my husband, he is coming around to me now when I mopped the floor yesterday he started dancing for me it's a first lol......It's so cute when he starts Boesman also dances and Boesman whistles while he dance and then wil say in between " ooooooowwhooooo dance,dance it's niiiiicccceeeee"


Torry is now truely a part of the flock can't imagine the home without him {Love-000200BF}

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Very scary situation, I'm glad neither got hurt.


It's always better to let birds move closure to each other on their on timing and terms. They may do some play beaking when first contact happens, but not intense fighting if they are interested in each other at all. Just give this time and let it take it's own course as it will naturally, one way or another.


It's GreYt to hear Torry has joined the flock and enjoying it. :-)

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Thanks Dan I will let nature takes it's course....Boesman doesn't seem interest in Torry at all lol he will walk past his cage without a second glance and Torry will be hanging upside down and calling...


So time will tell!!!;)

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So glad all is well with Torry and Boesman and no real harm was done to either of them. They are still very new to each other. Hopefully they will call a truce and all will go peacefully for them. My Eclectus and Grey are finally learning to tolerate each other, though I still keep a very close eye on them both. Good luck with your two fids Natasha.

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Your lucky you only have 2 birds to referee Adaya is the new kid on the block at my house and she's still a little baby so she doesn't know what she can do and what she can't it makes it very hard because she wants tobe friends with all the birds (social butterfly ) but my other birds are quite a bit older than her except my Indian ring neck he just turned a year old in May so him and Adaya are the best of friends. but to the older birds shes just a pain in the neck and they will tolerate her for only so long before they get mad. Thank goodness they are also well behave and do as I tell them to. If I can see they're getting irratated I say don't hurt her no bite. and they will go hang out in their cages and shut the door. I'm sure in time when Adaya grows up a little everything will be just fine

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