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Polly has flown


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My lovely polly

I have always had my patio door open and she has never attempted to go near it at all.

But this evening she found her way to the conservatory and before i could shut the door she flew over my head and was gone.

We have tried calling her and walking around the area but can't see or hear her.

We have put her cage by the back door in hope she will see it as she flys by.

Is there any hope that she will return or should i brace myself for the worst?

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Oh my God thats terrible news...you gotta keep searching for her, also you must post someinfo and pictures on internet forums and in your area, vets, pet shops and so on.


I will pray that you will find her safe and sound...



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She has had her wings clipped, which is why she hasn't attempted it before.

I have 3 children so the back door is open in summer, the door is through two rooms so it's not like she is next to a door.so no i'm not stupid show some sympathy or advice or say nothing at all as i'm upset enough as it is!

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Diane don't give up. DanMcQ of our forum, his bird Jake flew out the door and he just got him back after a couple of weeks of his being missing. Please read his thread Jake Flew Away to see what he did and how he got Jake back. He had an ad on Craigslist and he got a call from a lady who had found Jake. Post around the neighborhood, knock on doors, but don't give up. Prayers for Polly's safe return!

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di lets hoped she comes home as it will leave a great big hole in your life and connor will be so upset i remember the day when we went to wales to pick her up and barney what a laugh we had keep your chin up mate she knows that u all love her like mad take care shaz xx

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Well, after all is said and done, you still haven't gotten any specific answer to your question so I'll answer it.


"""Is there any hope that she will return or should i brace myself for the worst? """


Clipped birds can fly. Many people here and all over the bird boards located everywhere in all countries

will testify to that. The birds that can't fly are the ones who've had severe or extyremely short clips and are practically stuck to an 8 ft area that surrounds them. Slight to medium clipped birds can fly around houses and find openings and take off and after flying away and once they get to a certain vertical height have an extremely hard time flying downward without injury. Some clipped birds will stay at distances where they can't be gotten to just because of that reason.


For every parrot that escapes and is finally retrieved there's at least 200 that aren't retrieved.

Yes, we had a person named Dan who recently lost his bird and it was eventually found..90 miles away. It wasn't clipped and the only reason his bird was retrieved was because the bird kept eating different foods on her property and kept hanging around there. What happened with Dan is not a common ending that usually happens with the great majority of lost or escaped birds.


So yes, you may need to brace yourself concerning not getting your bird back.


This all may sound pessimistic but you should hear what in general can happen with escaped or lost birds. Hopefully, you'll have good luck.

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OMW Diane I am so sorry :( please do everything you have to!!! My Mom found a lost CAG and his stil with me no-one came looking for him I was the one putting ads,posters ect. everywhere he isn't clipped so I don't know how far he went before landing in my Mom's backyard where she found him and no-one has come forward to claim him ....


You and Iris are in my prayers and for leaving the door open nobody's perfect :)

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This is terrible news and I am so sorry to hear this happened. It is devastating, heart wrenching and worrisome beyond description.


Things you should know:


1. Normally the first 24 hours they are scared and being such, will not return contact calls which would disclose their location. So I am not surprised of your not hearing or seeing him.


2. Putting the cage out in open view is great to do. Seeing it if in eyesight may cause him to expose himself if nothing else and stay close to it.


3. Since he is clipped and probably not used to flight, he will probably not come out of that tree of his own accord. he has never been that high and will probably not overcome his fear to ty and fly down, atleast not without your coaxing. You may need to rig up a long pole with a small playstand he likes or a perch to have him step on to so you can lower him down. I had to do this 2 years ago when my "Clipped" bird Jake flew away the first time. he would not fly out of the tree. he would however return contact calls on the second day and try to climb down branches to get down closer to us, especially when we rolled his cage directly under the tree and showed him his food and water.


4. You have done all the right things in alerting friends, neighbors and posting notices at petshops, notifying the animal shelters etc.


5. You Grey may have flown to other near by trees if frightened by other birds or critters. Just walk the area calling his name and listening. Being clipped, it is doubtful he is very far off.


6. It may sound surprising, but he could actually be on the ground area hiding in bushes. Just don't give up and keep contact calling.


7. Post on every Internet board you can. Look up, call or email any local breeders you may know or other parrot owners so they will be on the look out and also listening for parrot squawks and sounds that other birds do not make. Many may also have feeders in their yards that your Grey may find and grab some food from if he is brave enough to come down.


I'm hoping and praying for you and know that your in my thoughts now constantly, along with others here.

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Seeing as I feel that Diane came here to us, her family for support, I am throwing my admin weight around.....have cleaned this thread up, and will watch it to be sure it stays on course. No more comments on what transpired are necessary.


Diane, I hope and pray that your baby is back with you soon. Please know we all care and feel your pain.

Sincerely, Talon

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Thank you soooo much for all your help and advice, I will keep you posted and hopefully I will have some good news soon.

A big thanks to danmcq for your advice and help,

we call her all the time so lets hope she returns soon


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I hope and pray that you get her back safe and sound don't give up you just never know someone may just see a notice and bring her back to you make sure you keep any and all notices up to date check with vets and pet stores daily and the animal shelters. any ads on line should be always on the first page any and all AG forums on the web should also have a thread about it. I'm probubly saying all the things you already know but I get so worried when these little guys get lost and I so wish I lived in your neibourhood or at least within driving distance. I'd be right there with you helping and canvasing. Leaving no stone unturned so to speak I will pray hard for her safe return don't give up.

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Still no sign,

She was not keen when strangers came into the room, so I can only hope that if someone has got her they will hand her back as she would be noisy and vicious towards them.

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A client of mine had a bird that escaped and she paid a graphics company to place a missing bird with photo and phone number on her car. EVERYONE around her home saw it that way. She also sent weekly faxes to all of the vets within a 50 mile radius (birds get around) It took 9 months, but she did get her baby back, thought slightly worse for the wear. I think the thing that worked for her was being consistant and not doing 99% of her effort in the first week. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep reminding people that your angel is missing. Dont let your neighbors forget to keep an eye out.

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No news, I feel so empty without her,part of me finds it really hard to look at the forum to see all of your lovely birds it breaks my heart.

I still hold some hope to see her again but it's fading as the days pass by.

Will be back soon.

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