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My job is kicking my a**

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So as most of you know, I went in for the 3rd interview at Wal-Mart and got the job, I have only been working for 3 days, and have done so much work it isn't even funny. lol.


The first night I was there they were so horribly unorganized in how things were brought out and what was on each of the pallets, today was a bit better on that and actually got what we needed done and helped 3 other departments so it was rather busy.


Just letting you guys in on a little bit of it, and why I haven't really been on lately. I'll try and get back as much as possible.


But right now, I'm going to go to bed lol




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Don't you wish you could just win the lottery and never have to work another day in your life?! Well I DO lol I will be dreaming for awhile though. Working sucks but once you get that first paycheck you will feel a lot better! ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/11 21:57

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Hang in there Nick, things will get easier. Then one day you retire, draw your pension and social security and . . . (yawn) . . and listen to your bones creak!!! Want to trade!!! {Feel-good-00020069}<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/06/12 00:20

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Luvparrots - I already have the problem with my bones creaking and cracking and popping it is really bad lol.


I have quite a few more CBLs to do along with still finding out what to do and where to go.


I work tonight as well and I'm really hoping they don't stick me over in grocery again. That was a nightmare!

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That is pretty much what the money is going for, my animals, and to fix my car, and hopefully get a new one soon. I just found out today that they have me down to 20hrs after next week, that isn't really going to be working out to well, I applied for full time, I can't work part time hours.


I'll just have to talk to my manager to see what the deal is.

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