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Sugar Gliders


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I was just wondering if any of you guys have any pet sugar gliders? I haven't met that many people who do have them so I was just curious and want to know how you like them.


I have 2 sugar gliders, Big mama and Babi. They are really cool pets but they are nocturnal so I don't get to see them much. Big mama is the sweetest one, she doesn't bite at all and sometimes she licks me when I give her food, lol! Babi isn't that nice, she doesn't like to be held and she bites. She was in need of a home so we took her in and put her in Big mamas cage and they get along great. Big mama only has 3 legs but she still manages to get around great. One day I heard her barking, it wasn't normal of her to do that during the day so I went to check on her and her foot was caught in the string of her sleeping pouch, it cut off the blood and the foot died so it had to get amputated.


These are our 2nd pair of gliders. The first two we had were Gizmo and Wanda and they had 3 babies. Let me tell you those were the cutest, tiniest, sweetest little babies EVER! They all went to great homes and I was so sad to give them away. Unfortunately about 4 years ago there was a hurricane and we had to put Gizmo and Wanda in a bird cage in the garage during the hurricane. One of our outside cats was also in the garage and she got a hold of them through the bars. It was the most tragic thing I have ever seen!! I was devastated!! So now we have Big mama and Babi and we've had them for about 3 years. Anyways, thats my story about my gliders, lol thanks for reading. Now share your story if you have one :)


This is Babi, she is shy but she will still take fruit from me.


And this is Big mama, she is very sweet. You can see in this pic that she is missing a back foot.



73af85a4.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/11 02:45

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I used to know someone that had one and it was very sweet. Now I've wanted to get them before but I heard that they are very loud when they are awake, I don't think that many people in my home would enjoy that lol.


But yours are very cute :-D

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Thank you Janet and Nick! They really aren't loud at all. Sometimes they do bark when they are calling for a mate or if something scared them but its such a low bark. I mean they are tiny creatures so it can't be that loud lol.

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What cute little critters they are! I've never seen one before. I had heard of them and for some reason I thought they were a species of bat :dry:

They look a little like squirrels, are they related to the same species?

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caitb2007 - size doesn't matter when it comes to noise lol there is no way I can scream louder than Partner, and raccoons make one hell of a scream when they are in a fight (scares the heck out of you when it is coming from your backyard too lol..



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Azzie, they are marsupials so they are closely related to the kangaroo species. When they have babies they live in their pouches like a kangaroo baby would.


Yea thats true Nick size doesn't matter. I was just trying to say they are pretty quiet, they only bark occasionally. I think the loudest and most annoying thing about them is the exercise wheel that they play on ALLL night long haha! :lol:

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I have an albino Hedgehog and a couple years ago I raised a baby squirrel that had fallen from its nest. The squirrel still lives in my back yard but I did turn him loose after he was weaned. as for the hedge hog his name is Reggie and he actually belongs to my daughter but she moved out 3 months ago and I still have her Hedgehog they are really cute also but they too are nocternol so the only time I see him is when I come home from work 3nights a week at around midnight. I often wondered about sugar gliders as pets we had a ferret once that was just the best pet you could ask for

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Back in the early 90s I raised/breed sugergliders. I can tell you that Babi is a wild caught most likely because of her color. Big mama was raised domestically probably in the US. The brown color of Babi comes from thier natural diet in the wild. Also the reason she is shy is probably due to the wild caught.

They can be one of the loudest little creatures I have ever known.


Hand tame babies are so adorable. They will hide in the collar of a polo type shirt and stay their for extended periods. They love most fruits in the wild they will eat leaves and branches from eucalyptus trees.


You will not want to get bitten by those rodent like powerfull teeth. They also have a strong musk scent and glands. Not as bad as a skunk but a strong scent. The wild caught will be the most noticable not so much with domestic raised. I would be happy to answer any other questions you might have about them.

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Thank you Hollysflock, you sound like you know a lot about sugargliders. I really don't think Babi is wild caught though, we got her at a really young age and she has always been shy.


Do you still have any pet sugar gliders? If so I would love to see some pictures. ;)

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A friend of mine had a few sugargliders but I never saw them!!! They would sleep all day in their hut and whenever night would roll around, there was a stranger in there view so they would stay hiding LoL but I have noticed whenever I am "stalkiing" Craigslist for cages etc.. There is ALWAYS many many adds for the cute little darlings.. wonder why??

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