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Hey Again

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Hello my precious flock,

Nice to be back again. It's been like a month since I've posted. I've been busy with my job, bronchitis, and parrot sitting. So, please excuse my absence.

DId I tell you that Pax not only says "apple" now, but she imitates my cough as well? What a smart alek!

As for the parrot sitting, I have been watching Pikachu (the Amazon) at my house for the past two weeks. Her owners are in CA. Pax is not very pleased to have her around - she's even tried to bully her on several occasions. Needless to say, the girls don't play together, but they chatter loudly at each other from across the room.

I will be glad when things are back to normal. I love Pikachu dearly, but I'd rather handle one parrot at a time.

For once the weather is quite lovely in WIsconsin. It's been raining on and off, but it still feels like spring!


How's everybody?

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Hi Lauren, glad to hear from you and Pax. Hope you are feeling much better. Hopefully Pax and Pikachu will learn to at least tolerate each other soon. Regardless Pikachu will be going home shortly. Can't wait to hear more about Pax and the new words he is learning.

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Welcome back Lauren and sorry to hear you have been sick but thats what happens sometimes, hope that is all over with now and you are back to yourself.


Yes we all get busy and cannot visit the forum as often or as much as we would like to but at least you let us know about what is going on with you, some leave and you never hear from them again.


Thats wonderful to hear that Pax is starting to say a few words, the floodgate is open now so I would imagine you will be hearing a lot more from now on.


Don't let as much time go by before you check in again, we want to hear from you how Pax is doing and some new pictures are always welcome.

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