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Tobacco & Birds


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I would like to open a discussion on the effects of Second hand smoke and our birds. I have never smoked, and my birds have not been exposed to it ever. But I do know some members do smoke.

I don't want to start a heated debate, but I do think posting facts for the safety of our birds is important information to have.


Nicotine on human hands for example......and how that affects them ;)

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I Smoke and I know it has health effects on Parrots, humans etc. Parrots and other birds of course are much more susceptible to anything airborne due to their much more active respiratory system than ours.


Smoking is and has not been allowed in our home for over 20 years. All smoking is done outside and the inside guests are never exposed to it.


I am uncertain of any nicotine on hands being directly transmitted to anything,since it would need to build up for a while to leave any type of residue sufficient to rub-off on to something else.


Most of us, I would hope wash our hands several times a day just due to all types of contaminants that could harm our birds or pass on germs to people we're around. ;-)

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I smoke but not around my CAGS, I walked in the house the other day completely in a daze with a smoke in my hand :ohmy: Torry started sneezing and I thought omw what an unthoughtful thing I have done the smoke went to the dustbin immediatly!!!!!!!! If I have quests that smokes I wil remove my CAGS to a closed wel ventilated room in another part of the house!!!! That happens ver,very rarely

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I smoke but not indoors. I wash my hands as soon as I come back in the house. Maybe it does take a while to build up and it is not necessary to wash them every time but I can smell it on my hands. Also I work in healthcare so I am accustomed to washing my hands a million times a day.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/10 16:02

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I've read several comments around the place that say nicotine can be absorbed from a person's hands into a bird through their feet. I've come across no research proving or disproving this.


In a way it makes sense, with the nicotine patches you can use when trying to quit. However, those patches are prolonged and concentrated contact, but why take the risk.


I'm a smoker, and I also have other birds and a dog who loves to lick. Each time before I handle any bird, I wash my hands with soap. Just to be safe = )

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I often wonder if hairspray on someone's hands can harm our birds. I'm a hairdresser and when shielding someone's face inadvertantly get it on my hands, as I arrive home and go over to my grey, he automatically opens his beak for a nibble as I stroke him so I have taken to washing my hands before going to him.


Tobacco on someone's hands must be as or more dangerous I would think.

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I am lucky and have never smoked.No family members or visitors to my house smoke. This has led me to question what I would do if a visitor asked to smoke in my house,I am sure I would say no.I would have no objection to them smoking in the porch or garden away from the birds. I dont think birds would be harmed by nicotine on hands as long as they are washed.

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I do like to indulge in a cigarette from time to time - but never in the house. A few weeks ago I foolishly left a box of smokes on the table and Pax snuck away and began to shred the box and the cigarettes!! I snatched it away from her and after a few minutes she started to vomit. On me and on the couch. It was this yellow liquid with pieces of tobacco leaves in it. I felt like such a terrible mother.

She's fine now, but I was really frightened at the time. I won't make that mistake again.

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i smoke but i go outside (for my kids and willis) but i do smoke in my room (the door stays shut at all times and is upstairs, willis is in the livingroom) and i'm not even sure i like doing that. i am planning on quitting one of these days, hopefully sooner than later lol.

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Okay, I smoked for 20 years (European cigarettes)and have stopped for over twenty years. I don't allow smoking in my home. People I know who smoke know my history and always graciously smoke outside. I have a covered front porch and sitting area for smokers. Frankly now that I don't smoke if I am around smoke, my eyes water and I have a terrible coughing fit, which is very embarrassing to me as it is so harsh. :ohmy: :(

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I have never smoked, neither does my hubby, son, daughter or their spouses and no one smokes in my house either, if someone comes to visit and wants to smoke, they must go outside as I will not allow it, no one has ever smoked in my house, we built it in 1982 and to this day remains smoke free.

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I smoke and I hate it:angry:


I quit smoking indoors long before I had any of my birds so it wasn't a big deal and no changes had to be made when we brought Baxter in the house.


But, My cat that died last January was 12 years old. She was such a healthy cat but I did smoke around her and I honestly believe it was a contributing factor in her passing away so early. If I would have just known...we might have gotten a few more years together:( . I think 12 was kind of young for a cat to go.


I think this was a great thread to bring up. Thanks Penny.

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My boyfriend and I both smoke, and we used to smoke indoors. But we stopped the indoor smoking and moved it outside well before Chimay came home and there's been no smoking in our place ever since. And even though there is no evidence proving/disproving the absorption of nicotine from our hands, we err on the side of caution and wash our hands every time we come back in from a smoke break.

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I don't smoke thank goodness, my father died at 66 from Lung Cancer :( my partner stays down stairs 99% of the time and DOES NOT smoke upstairs where we are at.I told her before we got the birds that she canot smoke around them. I commend those that don't smoke around your babies :-) I can imagine how hard it is but it's always better to be sfae then sorry.

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I smoke and also hate it I do smoke in one spot in my house and it right beside the patio doors which I open when i have a smoke my birds are in the farthest room away from there and I always shut their door and turnthe fan on to blow any smoke out the patio doors I know its not healthy for me or my fids and I do plan to quit again soon. Ive quit 3 times already for a couple years at a time mabie the next time it will be permanent. My hands are in water constantly thoughout the day and so famy birds have shown no ill affects from any traces of nicotine that may be on my hands.

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