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2 videos of me and Adaya playing


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Oh I loved those videos of Adaya. She is surely enjoying it from her sounds in between a long squawk and a growl. She obviously loves playing on her back and has full trust in "MommY".


Thanks for psoting these. :-)

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Thanks Dan Jungle dreams and luvparrots I'm so glad you enjoyed my little videos yes she does trust me and we have so much fun together. I have to be careful sometimes when she is on my shoulder because she will all of a sudden think its time to play and rolloff my shoulder and expect me to catch her which of corse I always do. Then there are those times that she can be just a little brat like when we are sitting on the couch and she will climb on top of my head and while holding on to my hair she will drop down in front of my face and start playing with my nose. she thinks its really funny and she won't let go of my hair for anything the little brat.:evil: :laugh: oh well what can you do except love them to peices.

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Don't give up Caitlan Adaya hasn't always liked it but she loves getting her face and beak rubbed and when I turned her over I would rub her face and bea until she calmed down I didn't start with her laying in the palm of my hand I started rolling over on my bed and pretty soon she was rolling herself over so I would pet her face and beak and then she started playing like that now I can do anything I want with her she knows she can trust me.

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