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Inspiration for wanting to free fligh my CAG


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Hi All,


Early on in the consideration of purchasing a CAG, I did many hours days/months of research for which Parrot would best fit our home, personalities and interests in life and nature.


Thus after all that, we decided on a CAG.


During this research, I stumbled upon a story of a CAG and his owner enjoying the freedom of free flying (with harness and line spool) in the natural environment.


I just wanted to share his website, which is mainly images, articles and stories of how this all came about.


I do understand this is the exception and not the rule for most of us, but it is something I wish and dream of obtaining in a safe and controlled manner.


His website is : http://www.geocities.com/shanlung9/


Here is just one of the awesome images of them out in nature:





- Dan


Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/02 16:11<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/02 16:12


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Yes, I understand.


If I feel the least bit of fear for my CAG while in the year or two process of free flying in large indoor facilities while training. I will never take him out to do so in the open spaces.


I already love him too much to put him at any type of risk.


- Dan

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Guest Lidia

Looks fabulous, but I'd be terrified of all the things that could happen. He could get tangled and break a bone. He could be swooped on by a raptor and killed, ooooh, it makes my blood run cold just thinking of it.

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Hi Ceasar,


A Raptor or Hawk or similar Bird would do that even if you CAG is relatively close to you?:ohmy:


I live in the Central Valley of California at the base of the Sequoia National Park foothills and Hawks and Vultures are plentiful.


If this is the case, I will never free fly him outside then!


Please let me know if this is actually true.


Thanks - Dan

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Yes, I agree, it is a scary thought, letting him free fly while out with other predators. A hungry hawk or vulture wouldn't think twice about snatching dinner when you are near by. I've seen it happen where I live. :( They'll even snatch a cat if hungry enough. We lost 2 very young cats that way.:( :(

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Guest Lidia

True, unfortunately all true. And like CD says, you don't see them until it's too late. Some of the raptors can stoop at about 300 kmph. Not something I'd risk.

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danmcq wrote:

Hi Ceasar,


A Raptor or Hawk or similar Bird would do that even if you CAG is relatively close to you?:ohmy:



Thanks - Dan


Ya this is why mine only goes outside in a cage even my small chihauhaus are not allowed outside. They are paper trained.

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Thanks Talon -


I will never free fly him outside then. He will just be flighted indoors and when I take him outside in the Cage, as I do the Conure, He and the conure will be locked in their cages rather than allowed to climb on top.


For all I know a Hawk would just as well snag him from the top of the cage too.


I never want anything bad to happen to ANY of my animals or Birds.


I sure do appreciate the great information everyone gives on this forum from their experience! :laugh:


It is all invaluable!!


- Dan

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Guest briansmum

I wouldn't let brian fly outside, i take him out with his harness on but keep it fairly short so that if he does try to fly i can stick my hand out and catch him. we don't have hawks and things that could get him here in the middle of the city in good ol' yorkshire, UK thank goodness!

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HI Beccy,


I have been reading about users experience with the harness.


That does seem like a good an fun item to have for safe enjoyable safe outdoor time.


Does your Bird enjoy just walking about on the ground and exploring grass, flower beds etc ouside?


This may be an alternative for me?


If my Bird was that close to me, I could ward off a hawk perhaps if it tried to grab my Baby or would it be too late due to possible Talon penetration IF the Hawk managed to get that close before I scared him off?


- Dan

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I was very closed minded on flying for awhile I thought it was a really bad idea to say the least and I never wanted my grey to fly. I'm still going to clip his wings because he's used to that. But I would like him to have the opition to fly.. watching some videos on youtube of them flying was really just changed my mind.. and I would like my bird to be able to fly from me from his cage or fly into my room when I take him into my dad's but just now I couldn't do that because he's 4.. and never has flown.. so it's really a one way decision... You don't want to let them fly.. for awhile then take it away and you don't really want to keep them from flying and then let them all of a sudden. And with a harness there is also extra saftey..

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Guest briansmum

Hi Dan


Brian is still a scardy bird when it comes to the grass :) but he loves just sitting with me watching things outside.

The harness is great aswell if it is a nice day and you and family etc are in the garden, i use it a lot when i take him to my mums with me, we (that is my mum and i.. not the bird :P ) enjoy a glass of wine in the garden and it's great to be able to pop brian on the table with us, with a few toys knowing he's attatched to my wrist and isn't going anywhere!

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Hi Beccy - I'm glad you specified Who was sipping the wine - LOL:laugh: ..you had me worried there for a minute ;)


This sounds like a great experience for both you and your Bird.


I am going to read further and once my Baby is home and adjusted, I may see how He likes having a harness put on.


Thanks - Dan<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/02 18:42

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Guest briansmum

i second talon's advice, it is far easier to get the harness on while they are little because they are not half as fussy about being touched.

i got it on brian on the first try, yet people with older birds seem to have more trouble

if you want to take your bird outside a harness is deffinately your best bet :)

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Then a harness it is!! :woohoo:


I will purchase one now and start taking it with me to the Breeders every Saturday and start getting him used to it.


I'm certain he will take right to it :blink:


Thanks for all the great advise!!


- Dan

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I love the idea of taking my Que out on her feather teether but dont think it is going to happen anytime soon.

However my new quaker is only 6 weeks old and I have her/him one of those avatar harness on order.

So at least Ill be able to take the quaker till I talk the grey into it. lol And later Im goign to get an adventure pack for Que maybe Ill take her in that and the quaker on the harness. lol

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I have still to try the aviator harness on Josey, but if I am successful I won't use a longer leash because we have hawks here too, I have seen them in the trees out here. I would be devastated if something happened to her, I would never forgive myself.:(

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Thanks for all the replies and great feedback! :laugh:


dblhelix - Thanks for the link, that is an awesome sight. It would be great if I could do this with my new CAG, but after taking everything in consideration that has been posted, I live in a very dangerous environment for mine and won't take the risk.


I will get a harness though, so we can go out for walks and play :laugh:


Now, I just need to suffer through the waiting period to bring me CAG home at the end of August or first of September :(


- Dan

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Guest Lidia

I would dearly love to be able to put a harness on Joshua and take him out with me (perhaps to the pub for a pint). If anyone has any ideas how to get an 18-year old parrot who has NEVER worn a harness before into one without my losing one or more fingers, tell me ... please.:pinch:

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Lidia wrote:

If anyone has any ideas how to get an 18-year old parrot who has NEVER worn a harness before into one without my losing one or more fingers, tell me ... please.:pinch:


Hi Lidia,


I am not certain you would lose a finger, but you may need a few stitches to accomplish it. ;)


Maybe just patience and showing the harness and letting him beak it?? I'm not one of the experts here, one of which I think is You.


I didn't think they could actually take a finger off? :blink:


- Dan

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