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So I decided since I couldn't afford an Atom right now that I would make an Atom and buy an Orbit. so thats what I did the orbit arrived today I bought it from Ebay for 14.99 is 14inches in diameter so its large my birds won't go anywhere near it. the same with the Atom I made which is really big. So now what does anyone have any Idea how to get the birds to play with their new toys I moved the Atom closer to Tycos cage andshe is looking at it like mabie she might try it but the Orbit There is no way on earth that I can get my birds on to it as soon as I get to close to it with them they fly like its going to eat them or somethin.



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Thats the exact one I have, lol I didn't know there was a difference but now that I look at the atom and the orbit they do look different. Since you only got it today your going to have to give them time to get use to it. Just keep it in sight like your doing and maybe play with it in front of them. Adaya won't go on it either??

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Well Pat I spoke to Ana Grey and she said she would take those "demon" toys off your hands. She says they are beautiful especially the "Atom" and if you will send them to her she will post pictures to Tyco and Adaya and your other fids to show them what great toys they are and in appreciation of your great creative abilities. {Feel-good-0002006B} {Feel-good-00020069}

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Adaya I actually got her to the orbit and she put one foot on it and took off for the nearest boing You would thik she would love it its got toys and bell and all the fun things birds like even my indian ring neck thats not afraid of anything usually won't go near it I think Adayamust be teaching him to be catious or something those 2 are the best of friends they play flying tag and chase me all over the house its really fun towatch 2 birds flying at full speed from one room to the next the aerobatics are just crazy I'm waiting for 1 of them to hit the wall or something but they can turn on a dime and fly inthe total oppisite direction withouteven batting an eye. Amazing creatures thats for sure.

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Pat I just got the Orbit delivered for Chimay this past Saturday. Rather than hang it and introduce him to it that way, I played with him on the couch with it sitting on the floor in front of us for a few hours. Eventually he started standing on it on the floor, and when he started crawling around all of the "rungs" of it that's when I knew we were good to hang it up.


Try introducing them to it from a "higher" perspective. :)

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Maybe it's just me but maybe the bright colors scare and overwhelm them. I would place it on the floor in their room for a few days or weeks and see if they become curious about it. I would also keep trying every few days. It certainly is disappointing when they don't seem as excited about the toys as we are to provide it to them. I had a brand new mother plucking sisal boing for 9 months left untouched because my pionus was terrified of it. Since then I made the firm decision to not buy sisal and only buy neutral colored swings if possible. I finally gave up and sold it to someone who has parrots who LOVE it! Sometimes it is just hit and miss. By the way, what colored Atom did you purchase?{Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/06/10 01:11

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