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You know you're losing it when..


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You know you are losing it when you ask the birds if they know where the remote control is. I am not kidding! I was lookin for the remote this morning so I could set the t.v. up for the birds and I was kind of distracted. As serious as could be, I said "Girls do either of you know where the remote is?"


When I realized what I had done I felt ridiculous. I guess that come with old age and living alone except for the birds.:S<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/09 21:40

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Just imagine what the post would have been like if they had said it was under the couch!


I think it's great that you talk to them like that, Dixie has clearly learned how to say I love you, and that's all she wants to say right now. Now I have to learn to talk to her like you did with yours.

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I've actually taken to reading the posts from the forum to Dixie. She's starting to string words together, which tells me I need to make sure I listen carefully.


She's gone from I love you, to "I love you pretty girl". Of course she is a very pretty girl and I do love her! She's also been whispering this afternoon, so I'm waiting anxiously for her next surprise.

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Your not the only one that has done that I found myself on a few occations saying to my birds ok where didyou guys hide my car keys? and then felt like a total idiot when I find them exactly where I put them oh well if It comes with old age and living alone with Mypets then so be it. at least they won't think I've lost my mind and call the men in the white coats to come take me away:laugh:

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Janfromboone wrote:

I talk to Tobie just as if he under:pinch: stands every word.


He probubly does I wouldn't suprize me at all if scientist found that Parrots are not only capable of speaking our language but also Understand it allot more than we give them credit.

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Your not losing it Char. I think a lot more of us speak to our birds as if they understand everything. :-)


I do believe they understand tons more than they can verbalize. I'll bet your greys probably looked around when you asked where the remote was.

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For sure our fids understand more than we know. Ana Grey knows my tone of voice when I want her to stop doing something. She gets animated when I am cheerful. Where she comes looking for me and I ask her "Where do you think you're going?" and she then turns around and heads back to her room. When I say "Where are you?" and she pops her head up or comes running to me. Or when I say "I'll be back" and she then quiets down and waits patiently for me to return. I don't question how intelligent they are. I just enjoy it and wait for the day my fids become smarter than me!!!:ohmy:

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I talk to Charlie and Cracker all the time.I think they understand more than we think,at least the tone and emotion in our voice.Oh and Charlie always knows where the tv remote is,if I take my eye off him for a second he will swoop to kill it:lol:

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