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Mistaken for a dog


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This morning on my way out to work, I had a brief chat with my neighbor. She said she was arguing with her husband if we had a dog. They are avid dog lovers. Her husband argued that we had a dog while she disagreed.

I told her it was my Grey that was barking.:lol:


PS. Koko has been barking a lot recently.

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Oh yes they bark quite well don't they Tyco has learned dog language quite well. she even know the different barks for different things like if is a playful bark she says you wanna play or if its a bark to comein she say Gloria wants in its quite amazing.

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Whisper has 2 different barks. The big dog of the neighbors in the back and the annoying little Pomeranian next door. Sometimes when the does the Pom bark over and over and over it gets on my nerves a little. Okay, a lot.:laugh:

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