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Toilet training


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I've been busy trying to get Cleo to do her business on command. For the last week each time I've seen her start to do the bottom wiggle and tail shaking, I've been calling out "Cleo poop!" over and over, and praising her lots when she did (which of course she was going to do anyway!).


Twice now yesterday she pooped on command, but I had my doubts about whether it was coincidence or the real deal.


Just this evening however, when I took her out of the cage, I told her to go poop, and within seconds she started the wiggling and shaking, and produced the tiniest amount of urine. From the way it went, I'd say she didn't really need to go, but went anyway because she was told. Of course I performed a huge song and dance with praise. I shall keep testing my theory about whether she is toilet trained!

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They will go when the have to if your not around to tell them to go poop they will tell themselves to go I know this because Tyco will do this when she has to poop she thinks she has to broadcast it so just before she goes She says go poop and then lets it fly its actually quite nice that she does this because that way if she happens to be on me I can move her before getting pooped on :laugh:

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Well, your all doing better than me. I am lucky to catch 1 of 10. If I catch him and place him where he needs to go and tell him "Go Poop" he'll do it, but.........


I walk around with him on my shoulder so much and am busy doing things that I don't realize he just backed up, parked and squatted until I feel that damn warm moisture on my back.

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Ha ha ha!!!! Chimay does have a tendency to poop on his daddy more than on me... One morning, my boyfriend was laying on his side with Chimay on his arm. Chimay let loose his "morning deuce part 2" all over his side and arm. My boyf looked at me and said "Ew ew eeeewwww!!! It's hot!! Get the towels!!!" :sick: Ha ha! I thought he was going to puke but it still made me laugh.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/06/09 21:12

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  • 3 months later...

My problem with my grey Charlie is that she will not go to the bathroom in her cage. That has created a situation in which we need to pay someone to come in and let her out to go poop on her potty basket. We even bought a much bigger cage so that we could put a potty basket in one corner of it. She still will not go in her cage. I am thankful that she is potty trained (most of the time) but paying a sitter to get her out every day gets quite expensive (I pay someone $10 to come in for about an hour each work day). Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Hi Crigg83. This was my biggest worry about when we went on holiday. Harvey would not go in his cage either and I was really worried as my parents wouldn't be able to let him out as much I we do. I was reassured by all on her that "when they need to go, they need to go" and of course, they were right!


My parents were able to get Harvey out of his cage a couple of times a day, but due to their lifestyle etc they couldn't have him out all of the time. He went in his cage - there was nothing to worry about! ;)

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We've been training Sephora to go poop in her basket when she is out and she has done pretty well....she flies off of us and onto the basket to poop.



Like with cleo, (we've only had her a week) so i dunno if it is coincidence but we'll see. she did it 6 times yesterday.


I also praise her for going in her cage because I have the fear of her developing the issue charlie has...

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