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So cute..


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ZZero and I have had a great day today hes been on his best behavior and just been super playful and sweet. He has a bucket that hangs down thru his boing and I keep it full of treats and foot toys. I guess he has found if he puts his head all the way inside its like a microphone. So now for the last hour he has had his head in the bucket going thru his whole repertoire of words. I cant stop laughing I had to share. gonna try and get a video or atleast a pic.

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Oh Janet singing in the shower is his favorote thing of all time!


I tried so hard to get a video but he loves to attack the camera so its impossible.


Pat hahahahahahahaha{Feel-good-0002006E}

He kept saying Peek a boo peek a boo


Thanks Char I was online when he was doing it I just had to share

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