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Small weight loss- Should I worry?


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We have had Brutus for a year now. When he first came home he gained weight from 390 g up to an average of 420 in a month and a half. He kept his weight between 418 and 430 for at least six months. Recently, however, his average weight is running about 10 grams less around 408. He has never been a chow hound, more like a thoughtful, picky eater. I must mention he got a complete physical when he came home to make sure he was in good health, and he is. We feed him two bowls, one with Harrison's organic pellets (always available, that make up the majority of his diet, and the other with a temporary bean and grain mix with cut up fruits and vegetables, sprouted beans, and sprinkled with flax seed. He loves raisins, cherries, mandarin oranges, pomegranite seeds, and grapes. He does tend to eat one food to the exclusion of others, and he loses interest easily in prior favorites. Walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds are treats and always deemed desirable. He really would much rather play than eat. Please let me know if I am needlessly worrying. He also makes a sniffing noise once in awhile that concerns me a little. The noise is not associated with any obvious discomfort on his part. We do not smoke or allow it in his vicinity. Thank you

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I wouldn't worry about 10 gr if it where 40 or 50 grams thats when to start to worry 10% weight loss is concidered a reasonable amount to require a Vet visit anything less should be watched to make sure He doesn't keep losing weight Its summer time now and I have noticed my birds have lost a little also I think because its hot their appetites are not what they were in the winter time I also noticed that they aren't playing as much in the middle of the day when it really warm they play more in the mornings and then again around 5pm

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