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Hey all! Been off the board due to minor surgery and a crap load of other life stuff, so "HEY"!! Hope you are all well!


I ruined my baby girl! I failed to heed my husband's warnings and brought another bird on board (no pun intended-Lol) Verde the Eclectus. Verde the Eclectus who is sweet and calm and loving. Verde the eclectus who had no rules at his last house, and a bird noise DVD to entertain him. Verde the Eclectus who makes the most horrid crowing and honking geese and owl and every other horrible bird noise you can imagine. Remember the (SP?) Nasghoule in Lord of the Rings?, he does that. Equally loud and as frantic as the UToo that we were sitting. Verde the Eclectus that makes said noises when you leave the room. And then he yells, "STOP IT!" {Feel-bad-00020068}


My sweet little Mesa now does this all, only worse. My formerly quiet, talking/verbal communicating self-amused little girl is a brat now! She yells, "STOP IT" and stopped saying any of her other words. She makes every one of his hideous noises only she does them more frequently. She does not play on her own, she sits and yells. When we leave the room, she acts like he does now. She never even used to notice let alone care! {Feel-bad-0002006A}


I am going CRAZY I swear!{Feel-bad-00020066} And what's worse is I did it to myself.


OK, I just had to vent. Thank-you for "listening". Give me strength to endure it and the will to continue to be calm and try to correct it. PRAY that I CAN!!!!

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Glad you are doing fine after your surgery.

As if one parrot is not enough...well Ive been having those wicked thoughts too... to get a female gray companion for my Kookie

Reading your thread rings a lot of bells in side my head and I know I shouldgive it a lot of deep thought...thanks for the warning


I truely would say that be patient and give it some time, Im sure you will be able to tame verde and soon you will all be enjoying yourselves together



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I'm glad to hear you are fine after your surgery and I am also glad you got the bird you wanted but you chose this bird and you know grey's abilities to mimic any sound and especially other birds so yes you don't have anyone to blame but yourself, sometimes husbands are right but not too often.:whistle:


If you knew before you got the eclectus that this was going to happen would you have gotten it anyway?:huh:


Its ok to let off steam sometimes but you really made a hole this time that will be hard to get out of but I hope you succeed.:P

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MrsB, I am glad your surgery went well. And I am so sorry about your problems with your fids. My Ana Grey has picked up a screeching that Sully, my Eclectus, did when he first came here. Ironically, Sully has stopped but Ana Grey has continued. I just talk to her calmly and she quiets down. I am determined to see that Ana Grey stops this behavior. Hang in there, they are so worth the time and love.

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When I brought Dixie home she had several sounds that I didn't enjoy - especially the sound of the Blue & Gold Macaw screeching. This I had witnessed at the store, but didn't know that Dixie would imitate him. She's only been here for six weeks now, but she has stopped making that awful noise.


Whenever she decided she wanted to screech, I walked out of the room, as quickly as I could, asking her to use her "pretty voice". When she got quiet or decided to talk in her "pretty voice", I would re-enter the room (my office) and we would have a lovely, if one-sided conversation and she would get lots of attention.


At first, she would do this and then screech again, and I would immediately leave again. Yes she got attention, but her reward was only for her "pretty voice". Being the mother of four children, I learned very early about 2 year olds, and how they learn, I'm just applying it to Dixie.




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Hey all, thanks for the feedback! I am really trying to be consistant and patient, and I have faith it will work out, it's just the meantime stuff I must endure!


Judy-I am not so sure. I feel like I have done Mesa a dis-service now. I feel like she has picked up not only on his bad noises, but the behavoir that is drama when she is left alone now, the seemed inability to deal with it now, or amuse herself happily as she did before. She would ravage the same toy for hours till it was gone, and was thrilled to do so! I don't want her troubled over it.


Plus, if the lady I got him from had of been remotely forthcoming or honest I would have been able to make an informed decision. She told me only about a few words and said that was it. Hrmph! She failed to mention the rest of it, of course.

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I guess I got lucky with Tyco everytime I leave the room my Amazon screams like a banshee until I whistle something she knows or go back into the room. I don't mind a contact call but what she does goes why past that. Tyco has always hated her sceaming as much as me and tells fergie to just be quiet. At least I don't have two of them screaming at me thank goodness. As long as Adaya doesn't Learn it then I think I can stand it my onlybig problem is when Fergie screams it hurts the dogs ears and they start howling and yelping louder than Fergie its enough to make you want to leave home.:laugh: :blink:

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Eclectus are gorgeous and outgoing, but not always the easiest of birds, and they sure can SCREAM when they want to! And they love the drama it creates when they do it. I hope that Verde learns to be more like Mesa rather than vice versa.

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Charlie has a fashion of screeching like cracker only three times as loud,thankfully Cracker does not do this often so Charlie does it only very rarely.He and Cracker have picked up each others vocabulary and whistles and I am happy with that.Mesa may be going through a phase she would have anyway,they often do have a go at seing how much they can manipulate us,and what better way than to mimic the new bird on the block.My advise is to do your best to totally ignore this behaviour from both birds and give attention only when they are being good and making nice noise.It will work if you are very consistant and dont give up,it may take time.Good luck.

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