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Your Inspiration for Playstand


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I've read the forums and have been inspired to build Dixie a playstand. Here are some pictures. The first with with the sisal rope, the others are with the cotton yard that replaced the sisal rope. DSC04766a.jpg


Post edited by: rbpittman, at: 2009/06/08 01:56<br><br>Post edited by: rbpittman, at: 2009/06/08 01:58


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Well I made a pvc playstand for Josey and wrapped it with vet wrap and she doesn't like the feel of the wrap for when I put her on it, that is when she finally got used to its being there, she kept picking her feet up and chewed at her nails as if something was on them. I am going to have to try wrapping it with some kind of rope and see if she likes it any better.


That is a great looking playstand, I like the addition of the ladders, thanks for sharing it with us.

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Dixie was not happy about it at first - in fact down right indignant. She disliked the sisal rope I had originally used and ended up slipping off it. Needless to say, new rope (100% cotton crochet yarn) wasn't going to change anything. She sulked for about 3 hours in her cage when it was done, and refused to come out of her cage. George and Grace (the Lovebirds) enjoyed it for about 20 minutes - thoroughly investigating every ladder and toy and climbing up the sides.


Afterwards, Dixie finally decided to come out and see what this monstrosity was about - staying there and refusing to leave for over 2 hours.


I built it to put into the living room so she can have another room to be in with us. Dixie's cage is in my office where I spend most of my day. This also gives her more time with my 12 yr old son.



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I never thought about useing crochet yarn that would be perfet because it does't add size to the perches I built a atom type play gym for my birds and it already 1 inch so I don't want to add size to it You just gave me the perfect solution Thank you


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Its made of non metalic 1in conduit hose it was easy the whole thing is plastic sort of live pvc only flexable works great I just use reg pvc fitings to join the ends and the sisle rope to jointhe circles into an Aton shape very easy

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RBpittman - Love your playstand you will have fun decorating and redecorating it with new toy ideas. It looks like mine a bit. I don't know if yours is as tall, but I found that the PVC legs wobbled too much and I replaced them with iron pipe legs that don't wobble and the pipe can be cut at Lowes just like PVC. Love the idea of the cotton rope instead of sisle. Tobie is used to the sisle but does slip off of it sometimes. I think I'll put cotton on mine. Tyco's mom had a great idea of making her own atom. Wonder what she used for that?? Jan


Here is mine, but it looks different now - all new swings and toys.


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I started with 1/2 inch pvc which was too wobbly for the legs, then changed that to 3/4 inch pvc and made sure I had supports at the bottom (front, back and sides) along with sand bags across the side supports to keep it weighted down. It's about 6 feet tall (or just under). The cotton rope made the difference for Dixie - she really didn't like the sisal. Love yours Jan, it's beautiful!



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