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Confused.. About getting another grey


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So I already have a beautiful 4 year old congo. And well my neighbors had taken me to the mall on my birthday and we just HAD to stop by the pet store.. They had the sweetest 14wk old african grey female... She wanted to be played with you could tell that and she would let me pet her through the bars of her cage. She was verrrrrrrry sweet. And well I took my dad there yesterday.. as an excuse to get sunglasses I figured he would say no because she was 1500.. And our congo we got extremely lucky with we got him for 500 with the cage and he had no tempermental problems but anywho!! It's alot of money for a bird and she would be my dad's.. and he works during the day.. I would only be able to play with her after like a month.. Letting her get attached to him only then maybe I could play with her more during the day. I know he would keep playing with her at night because he hounds me to take Tj out at night when he's alone but I was wondering like would it be an okay idea to get a grey? I'm kinda re thinking it because it's not anyone has 1500 lying around.. plus 300 for her cage *rolls eyes* lol.. We could easily get one for 900 from a breeder but we just fell in love with her.. and my dad wants to rescue her from the petshop.. Petshop at the mall none the less.. And she could interact with my congo also :) i'm just not sure if it's a good idea. I love my grey and all but sometimes I wish he wasn't so high matience and I know this bird would be a great deal of my responsibility too >.<;;; .. Plus I have 3 parakeets.... I'm getting 2 more 1 of the current one's need's to be "rebilitated" and most LIKELY the new 2 will need to be too.. And I have 2 bunnys.. And cat's but like I need to give attention to all the birds and bunnys. ;ooo.. Sorry for the ramble just want to know some opinions.


Did I minchen >_> SHE'S A SWEETHEART! :P

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Guest briansmum

she's a sweetheart now and she will let you pet her and cuddle her but before long she will be just as high maintenance as Tj, and if she is going to be your dads bird there's a chance she won't bond with you at all. it is a huge decision to add another grey.

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Hi Moddy,


Sounds like my Wife and I used to get everytime we saw a new Puppy and how they just wanted attention from anyone.


However, I think your discription of your time already being mostly taken by all your pets. Your Father being gone all day with evenings and weekends the only time available, may be strecthed a little then.


The danger also exists of spending too much time with the new Baby and not enough with you present CAG companion that dearly loves you and wants and needs your attention.


If you already think your present CAG is "High Maintenance" as you described, multiply that by two :laugh:


Only you and your Father know your time available and rescheduling you could do to fit in another CAG that will want your attention also.


Good luck in making the right decision.


- Dan

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Yes 2 birds competing for your affection and attention is somewhat unnerving and unexpected. When I first introduced my tiels to eachother they hated eachother profusely. They sill hate eachother to this day nearly 2 months later but I think they secretly are learning to get along. It took a month and a half before I could leave them both in eachothers company unsupervised. Basically if one was nipping at the other he or she got a good dose of fast step ups until basically out of breath. I can't imagine what 2 Greys would do with eachother...:pinch:

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Guest Lidia

I absolutely agree with all the replies here. I think this is something we all go through. Baby parrots are too cute for their own (and our) good.

I've occasionally baby-sat CAGs for friends and Joshua is always really really unimpressed as it is his territory they are coming into and he can get pretty nasty. It got to the point with one particular grey I looked after that I could not let them out of the cage at the same time and when Joshua was out alone, he would fly to the other bird's cage and try to attack it from outside.

You sound as though you already have a lot on your plate(s) and should perhaps think carefully before making any irrevocable decisions.

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Thanks everyone for the advice it helps and influences my decision alot. Cause I know my bird now wouldn't probably like her since I would be playing with her and well he owns me :P I will talk to my dad about it more, maybe when he retires :P Lol I just know he wants a grey of his own.. Since the last grey we had was his and ONLY his.. wouldn't let me get near it what so ever.. I loved to play with her even though she bit but still scared though I was only 8 lol and we had to get rid of her because my step mom had asthma and well she moved out a few months after we got rid of her and I know he regrets that decision very very much. I would also be afriad of her bonding with me more then him.. Though she is female and probably would enjoy the company of a male better I would be here all the time doing things..


Yeah I think I will discuss it later with him and it's not like he can't touch or play with Tj.. Tj just prefers me and well can't be in his room.. he ends up flying (falling) off the bed and walking into my room. But he will let my dad scratch him. =/


Meh still a bit confused and mad lol because I always want to add new edition to our home but if I really can't T__T It just bites.. Cause when we get a pet we keep it forever.. No going back and I don't want any of the greys attention deprived..

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Thanks to everyone for thier input. I decided not to get the african grey. Instead i'm adopting a very sweet 7 year old umbrella cockatoo from a rescue center whose only problem is he is a little underweight. Otherwise he's verrry sweet :) He let me and my dad two complete strangers come right in and pick him up and pet him and they even said he had been in a bad mood. And the cage is only 250 and we're getting it from a friend on saturday :) so 500 is alot cheaper then the 1500 CAG.. and 300 cage she was in.. :) I'm offically satisfyed, have my doubts but this is a lazzzzy bird that is lower matience then my CAG.

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Moddy congratulations with your (very sweet sounding) bird :) I, personally, think you made a wise decision, you are sort of rescueing the bird and I respect everyone doing that B)

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Thank you very much Fairy :) I'm very excited to bring him into our home, sunday :) and then after 6 months if they say it's okay which they have no reason not to he will be permanetly adopted :)

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