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Finally Brought Zel Home but . . . .


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A couple of things . . . .


She seems to only want to stay at the very top of her cage. Not go inside, not play with toys, just sit on top of her cage and look around and "talk."


Also, had to go to work last night and when I put her in her cage and locked it up she FREAKED. Kept going at it until I put the cover over the cage and then she seemed to calm right down.


I haven't seen her touch her food dishes or water dish at all yet while I've been around and I can't seem to tell if she had any while I was at work. I am using the same stuff they were feeding her at the store.


I did get her to eat some fruit this morning (but only by putting it on top of the cage near her. She won't come to it.)


Are these legitimate concerns or am I just being a paranoid new daddy?


Thanks in advance!

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I think Zel is still a bit strange in her new home and I am asuming new cage,just give her time to settle .Make sure she is not scared of the feed dishes ,put some of her most prized treats in them.I am sure she will settle in time.If she is chatting away she is not doing too bad.

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I agree with Sheila.


Its a good sign she is being vocal, I just think it will take a little while to settle in and adjust to her new surroundings.


Does she have a new cage as well? If so this maybe why she is unsettled in the cage.


Its good you are feeding the same diet as before, try not to make any drastic changes until she is settled in.

She will eat when she is hungry.


Congratulations on your new baby:)

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Scott I see you just brought Zel home recently, give her some time to settle in, you know greys are very cautious creatures and do not take to change very quickly. She needs some time to become familiar with her new surroundings to feel comfortable and if she feels more comfortable on top of her cage then so be it.


She will let you know when she is more comfortable but we always preach time and patience when working with greys, you will need both.


You might be a little paranoid but you will do fine.

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Congrats on Zel coming home! Just take it slow and easy. It took Whisper a while to settle in when I first got her. She is going to the top of the cage because being up high makes a bird feel more secure and she is just feeling very insecure right now.


You can tell if they are eating if they are pooping. What goes in, must come out. :)

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Thats great that you have brought your new baby home. Don't before you know it she will be comfortable and eating you out of house and home. Enjoy her and if you want you can help the process along by giving her lots of treats and talking to her she will soon warm up to her new surroundings then Zel and you will be the best of friends in no time how old is Zel is she an older bird or just a baby?

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Congratulations on Zel coming home. How long has your baby been with you? When I brought Ana Grey home I cuddled her a lot. Ana Grey was well socialized by her breeder and settled right in. Tell us a little more about Zel. Can you handle her at all? It all takes time and you must gain Zel's trust first and foremost. Good luck!

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Thanks for all the responses.


Zel is 16 weeks old as of two days ago. Brought her home yesterday. She's talking up a storm (especially if I "dissapear" around a corner) and seems very comfortable. I'm really just worried that I haven't seen her near her dishes at all.


She did just eat some fruit from a plate I offered her though.

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My goodness you just brought your baby home. She is still settling in. I would try a piece of nut to see if she will take that. She will not starve to death. For unless they are ill they will always eat. The only way I know my birds are drinking water is because I find bits of food in the water. And I know they eat their pellets because I find bits of crushed pellets in the dish. And they are always pooping so I know they eat even if I don't always see them do it! Relax and enjoy your sweet baby grey for if you are nervous she will pick up on it and react the same. They are so intuitive. So calm down and love your sweet grey!

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Good news: Zel is eating but it still seems it's only happening outside the cage. No food on the cage floor or water spots on the paper.


Also, I got her to switch to pellet food today on the first try. Of course, this might've also been because she was starving from not eating the whole night. Who knows.


She's also eating veggies and fruits as well though I'll admit the amount of food she's eating is much less that what I had expected from what I read about Greys.


I got her to also start using the cuttlebone. Of course, this required me to take it out of the cage first. Once I did and placed it right in front of her she went right at it.


Also, found out today she LOVES taking a shower . . . . as long as she's on my arm while I'm taking one lol. It was the only way she'd tolerate it and I'm fine with it.


Bad news: Zel is still terrified of being in her cage. Every night is still the same show. At times it even looks as if she's going to hurt herself from all the acrobatics she does.

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It could be toys that you have in the cage. Whisper is very afraid of any kind of large toys. They have to be small and introduced slowly. There have been times when she was obviously afraid of her cage. It was after I tried to replace her perches with better ones or a new toy. What do you have in her cage? Take everything out and see if it is the cage or something in the cage and introduce things to it slowly and test for a reaction from her first.

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Char is spot on regarding the toys possibly being the terror factor. It could also be the reason she is not eating, she may not wish to expose herself to danger as she unguarded eats.


It's good to hear she is eating outside the cage. I would strongly recommend getting a digital scale ASAP so you know how her weight is doing. Most all of us track our Parrots weight daily at first and then go to weekly at the least. Weight is a very good indication of how your Greys health and appetite is doing.

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