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ive finally got a playstand for my grey but he freaks out when i try and get him on it. how can i teach him its ok to go on it?


he doesnt have a favourite treat. issnt tame just semi he has already tried biting me several times not to draw blood though. and when he landed on a towel he wouldnt step up and instead of biting me he decided to chew the towel but as i kept saying step up and got closer to him he decided to do a lil nip the went for the towel again




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Hi Devilangel,

Just be patient, and give your parrot some time to get used to you. Soon you will get to know what he likes and what would make a good treat. Kookie my grey loves almonds & peanuts and sunflower seeds. I use sunflower seeds when Ik trying to teach him something , and almonds when I wanna really reward him.


You will get to understand your grey. As for the playstand, just give him some time, put it somewhere he can see it, so he get used to it. If he likes any toys, just hang the toys on the stand. Soon he will love it and will never wanna leave it


Let us know how it goes



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he is use to me and has been for the 3 years out of the 5 ive had him. from what i can tell he likes the soft sweetcorn that yyou get from the tin. so might try that. but he really is scared of the play stand.

he gets that seed for his dinner everyday so wont be much of a treat for him tbh. i do get him the food with more fruits n stuff in but my dad mixes it with the cheaper food. which really annoys mean because demon needs a healthier diet. he does get fresh fruit n veg aswell.


i do understand my grey.


any other tips on getting him on there

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You are going to have to give him more time to get used to having the playstand around, I had the same issue with Josey when I introduced a new playstand. Greys are very cautious creatures and scared of new or different things, put the playstand where he can see it and then start bringing it closer one day, then the next day bring it a little closer and so on until he is comnfortable with it being close then try putting him on it. Maybe put a toy or two on it to entice him to want to get on it, you play with the toys on it and that might make him interested enough to want to investigate it and then you have it made.

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I got Whisper a large playstand and she never would go on it. I left it in the room with her for months but no go. I bought her a smaller one and she finally went on it after a month of it being in the same room with her, I would move it to different places in the room. Sometimes closer and sometimes farther away. Finally she accepted it. The Cockatoo LOVES the big stand.

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He does need to see the stand in the room for a while so he gets less fearful of it. I have a stand for Charlie and he took some persuasion but went on it after a few days.He will now sit on it in front of the window for a while and enjoys looking out.

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One possible way to get him to venture on to the stand, is if you find a treat he will go to any lengths to get to. If the stand has food cups, show him his favorite treat(s) you have and let him watch you drop them in the food cup.


As others have said, it may take a while for him to "Trust" that evil stand. :-)

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I remember the first playstand I got which was a metal one, my first grey was terrified and would not go anywhere near the stand.


The one I have now, I still had to place in the room and it must have taken a few months before he would go on the stand, longer before he was totally comfortable being there.


Like others have said, entice with favourite treats and toys but it is a lot different than introducing a new toy, it will take time which varies for each grey.


Good luck:)

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