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Would it be ok....


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here in town my friend has a huge place she breeds and sells toys, I would like to take ZZero with me to pick out some toys and mabey walk past the breeder avairys. The cages are outside now, she has been in business for 35 years so I would assume her birds are healthy but if we were outside and kept our distance would it be safe?? I dont want him to get any sickness, but I am not a expert, are any avian illnesses airborne?? could looking at all the birds from a distance outside mabey get him sick?


Hope that made sense still sleepy

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I would not do it. I also cannot believe that she would allow an outside bird into her aviary. And to answer your questions.. yes PBFD can be transmitted by feather dust which can be blown about in the air.

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I cannot beleive she would allow other birds or people into her aviary. Most good breeders have closed aviary. Its just to easy for the birds to get some kind of disese most bird sicknesses are airborn I certinaly would take one of my birds to a place like that.

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Gotcha I just thought it would be neat for him to see other parrots but I am not willing to take any chances. Thanks for the reply. Not all of the avairy is open to the public just when she set some of the breeders in thier outside cages but I agree with what you guys have said, and we will choose to stay safe. PS this was not ZZeros breeder :)

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