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Adaya's recall


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Loved seeing adaya fly. How did you teach her the recall. Tobie comes to me when "he" wants to. Very hard to make him think he has to come just because I say so. He is so spoiled. I want him to know how to come before he gets his wings and flight though.

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Lots of praise everytime she does it. It didn't take long once she got the hang of it. Now every time I raise my hand she knows that means I want her to fly to me. She likes doing now she thinks it's a game. I think as long as you make it enjoyable for them they learn allot faster.

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Yes Pat lots of praise is the key to recall.Charlie will do it and Cracker but we need some practice.I managed one video but cant seem to get another one to load,I have a few I would love to post, guess I will have to persevere.

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