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New mom needs bonding advice

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Hello; I just got my baby Congo, Grace, on her 9 week birthday. She is now going on 10 1/2 weeks eating pellets exc. and letting me know she wants to be on two feedings by refusing formula and turning her head upside down... Otherwise she is doing well. I spent my younger years working for pet stores and am familiar with the feeding process. My concern is that when I attempt to put my hand in her cage she moves away to the back. She chatters a lot and is quite sweet. I worry that I am doing something wrong though. I open her cage in the morning but she stays in. Should I wait and let her come out on her own or take her out? Is there anyone with bonding advice who can help?

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Hello Ladyluck and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Grace.


I do not have experience with hand feeding baby greys as I purchased mine already weaned but we do have some members who are very familiar with the process and they will chime in with their ideas and suggestions.


She may just be protective of her cage, that is her sanctuary where she feels safe and maybe she just doesn't want to come out at the moment you attempt to get her out. In any case I wouldn't worry about it, greys are very cautious creatures and I don't think you are doing anything wrong.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them, especially the nursery room, do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Grace you would share with us we would greatly appreciate it.

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Hi. Your baby sounds sweet.I think she is still a little unsure of her new home and suroundings.Just talk and interact with her as much as she is happy with, sit by the cage and let her know you are a friend.Try offering treats from your hand and give her head scritches if she likes. For now just go at her pace.

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Hi Ladyluck, welcome to the forum. Grace is such a pretty name for a grey, I think. At her young age she should be able to adapt to you quite quickly, but as she is a grey they are more cautious in nature. Just give her a bit more time to settle in. I'm sure once she figures out how much fun she can have with you she'll be hard to get back INSIDE the cage! Good luck and just take things slowly.

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Hiya Ladyluck,


Its great you could join us here:)


I think like the others have said it will just take a little time for your baby to settle, like us, they are all so different, some will be straight out of their cages and very curious about what is going on around them, others will feel safe in their cage and maybe take a little longer to settle in.


I cant wait to hear a bit more about baby Grace.


Hope you enjoy the forum:)

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Thanks for all the input. I may be an over concerned new mommy. Sorry if I do not get back right away. As you can read we live on a boat and have limited access to internet service. I will put up some picks when I can. Any advice out there on a irresistible treat for my young baby? I can't believe how much she already chatters... Lol.

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hi ladyluck

wellcome here from me too .,im also pretty new here ..but there are so much information in all kinds of differend theads here, and so many people here to help out if anything you dont know .,

i love this site and hope you will like it too

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I would say yor doing fine baby birds need lots of cuddle and holding I would take her out as much as possible and just love on her I just raised a baby from 5 weeks old she's 17 weeks old now and I just loved on her every chance I got when she was little and now I can do anything with her she come on recall she will lay in the palm of my hand belly up she loves to wressle and play with me she is just so much fun but it dooes take allot of time I took Adaya everywhere with me when she was little except to work just make sure she getting a ton of cuddles and you should be fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to all... seems she has a taste for apples and eggs. Her first foods. She eats well... all day it seems. I still have her on two feedings and when I say I am hungry, she responds with 3 chirps as to mimic me.

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