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Calling ALL cat owners!

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HEYYY everyone! I am a HUGE cat lover and would love to see pictures of your cats! Please post pics of your babies and tell me their name :P


Of course I will start, I swear I can talk about my babies all day!:woohoo:


These are my favorite pics of my two girls! This was a while ago.

Mia and Misty




These are my favorite pics of Misty (this is the kitten in the pics above) My sis goes to FSU and she dressed her up haha!


She caught a LIZARD ahhh!



I have more cats at my moms house and will post pics of them later!! :kiss:


Sooo can I see yours??? Puhhleeezzz ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/04 21:21

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Nice looking kitty cats, Caitlin!!!! I'm not a cat person, sorry!!!! My son and oldest daughter love cats, though!!! My youngest daughter and I are both dog people!!!


I do remember though that the last cat I had was an indoor/outdoor cat and would leave me dead mice under my pillow to show her love!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/06/04 22:24

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Love those cats especially the last pic with the lizard in her mouth offering it to you, she has a cute expression on her face, thanks for sharing your cats with us. I will try to get one of my only cat when I get home from work.

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I had two cats a long time ago...they were my babies. Rikki was especially close to my heart, as Lucy was a bit more of a loner. But I loved both of them dearly!! OH...and they were both girls. I know...weird. :)


Rikki..my old bed buddy..my lil girl.








This is Lucy...unfortunately, I had just started with photography when Lucy passed...you can see the camera with external flash in her eyes...ha.


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luvparrots wrote:

I do remember though that the last cat I had was an indoor/outdoor cat and would leave me dead mice under my pillow to show her love!!!!


HAhaha Yes that has happened to me before but my cat decided I should have the rat for lunch at school, she put the dead rat in my school backpack when I was in 5th grade and I found it at school AHHHHH!!!!:blush:<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/05 14:39

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This is Gizmo. She is 12 years old.





This is Yuki as a aleepy kitten.



And Yuki as an adult.



This is Baby Girl. She was found in a busy parking lot 15 years ago as a scared fluffy kitten. We lost her to a tumor in 2007, but she is forever remembered.


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It took me a while but I finally managed to take some new pics (not the best, but whatever)....


This is Seleni and Simba when they first came home to us 1 month ago:




Here they are today, twice their size and feeling at home!


Selini preening




Seleni and Simba zonked out on the couch a few minutes later (it's getting hot in Athens!)




Close up of Simba by boy








Hope you enjoyed my photos. Still waiting for the TAG egg to hatch - should be this week!!!!


Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/06/15 13:22<br><br>Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/06/15 13:26

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Beautiful pictures Renate! Your babies are getting so big. They are gorgeous, I love it!


Here is my sisters cat, Butch! He is a very sweet boy, I don't think he can meow because I've never heard him meow once, he is about 6 years old.



and here is another Misty may picture from last night, this is her favorite position LOL. I love this cat soooo much!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

My soon-to-be-nine year old daughter grabbed my camera and took a bunch of photos with the cats. I thought you might like to see a glimpse of life through her eyes....












These cats are saints - they put up with it all and purr the whole time... turn up your speakers LOL





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These cats are just so cute!

I have two and they are old ladies now, they are both 18 years old and I cherish everyday we have together as I know they may be on borrowed time.


I will try and get some photos to add to this great thread:)


Beautiful cats everyone.

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AWWWW! Renate they are getting more and more beautiful as they get older. I love all the photos! The one of Simba in the basket is soo cute, reminds me of Misty, she loves to fit into tight spaces like that, haha. And then the one of Selini tucked in her bed is soo precious. And the one of them sleeping together is so cute too, lol like I said I love them all!! Your daughter must be having so much fun with them, she is too cute. :P

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