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Aviator Harness Success!!!!


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So inspired yesterday by Chimaysmommy I decided that today was the day that I tried the Aviator again (those who will have read my last post about this will agree it nearly put me in therapy!!!).


I came home today and Harvey and me decided it would be a good time to try this again (obviously a lie - Harvey hates it and it was my idea). It was a two person job, I steadied him on my arm (with the distraction of a monkey nut) whilst my husband slipped the harness over his head - game on - he knew what we were doing by then! There were plenty of "squawks" but not a lot of struggling (unlike last time) and with a bit of tweaking, Harvey was indeed installed in his aviator!!!


We stepped outside and the look on his face was hilarious! He was trying to peek over my neighbour's fence (nosy boy)! I took him into the sunny part of the garden (sun is slowing going down here) and he took a good look about!


I'm not saying he was happy - he wouldn't take a monkey nut (his favourite), but looked suitably impressed that he was "free".


So, the moral of the story is - if at first you don't succeed, try, try again! He's 24 weeks old now - and yet another milestone in his little, short life! Can't wait for another sunny UK weekend when he doesn't have to be caged in the garden!!!


I didn't succeed in a photo tho - I thought I'd be pushing my luck! Perhaps next time........!

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We've managed it again!!! Still a little of a struggle getting the harness on - but we think the Aviator Harness is MUCH better than the other one we had with all the clips.


As promised, here's a picture. Don't think he's quite saying "look at me, I'm great", but could be on his way to enjoying the garden!!


http://www.greyforums.net/images/zoom/zoom-photo/thumbs/DSC00329.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/06/09 18:52

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Thats so great I'm so glad that you suceeded with putting a harness on Harvey Its so nice to be able to take them outside and enjoy the nice weather without haveing to be put in a cage. I love taking Adaya out and about with me she has such a good time and the way she is with me when where out shows my just how much she love and trusts me to keep her safe. Her and I have a wonderful relationship and it gets better everyday. Spending the extra time and effort to harrness train you bird will really strengthen the bond that you and your bird have also I 'm sure of it.

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We had a great weekend - lovely weather here in the UK (for once). Harvey was out with us all weekend. The only thing we wondered was - are CAGs okay in direct sunlight? I kept moving him to the shade - I know it may sound like a silly question, considering Africa is native, but I wouldn't want to harm him in any way. He now loves his harness and hardly struggles (unless we take too long adjusting it!!). I'd advise anyone to use the aviator harness - it's one piece and so easy to "install".B)

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Aw that is so GREAT!!!!!!! I'm still overly paranoid about hawks and stray cats so Chimay hasn't been out in his harness much. I take him out on occasion to make sure we don't have any regression in training him. That's a good question about the sunlight...I would hate if those delicate little patches of skin around the eyes got sunburnt. I'll definately be checking back to this thread to see what others have to say


Congratulations on the "installation" of the Aviator!!!

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Everyone who has a young bird should do themselves a big favor. Get up the $35 for an aviator harness. Good things are in store for you and your bird. If it doesn't work out, so what? It was only $35 and think about it for a moment----how much money have you already spent on things that are still laying around and not being used or are broken and can't be used? For those with older birds, it's still a good investment. It may take longer to use it but if it doesn't, it can be put into that bunch of things that aren't being used. Try to stay away from a feather tether. Too many buckles and clips and too heavy and all of that trouble only gets you 7 ft of length. Older birds can be trained to use aviators. I've done it. Friends of mine did it. I won't lie. We all took our bites but it was finally worth it.

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Yet another thread that is 5 star i wish i had found this one before i bought the first harness. Now i have the Aviator Harness (with the training DVD well worth getting). Dusty isnt fully happy about using it but loves going out side in the back garden. We followed the training tips and Wow they work. i walk my dogs most night and in the summer would love to take dusty with me that would be great. Anyone that doesnt have an Aviator Harness should really try and get one your birdie will thank you in the end.

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  • 2 months later...

Karma to you, plain Jilly, for trying agian after a bad experience!

When I got Alfie, she came with one of those big chunky harnesses, which I did get her used to from the word go, but soon switched to the much neater and lighter aviator (great harness). Although Alfie doesn't mind me putting it on her, and when I say doesn't mind, I mean she doesn't object, so I assume she doesn't mind. She does chew at it sometimes though, but not to the extent where she's made it unsafe. I do scrutinize it closely before every outing tho.

She does seem to enjoy going for walks with us, and joins us and the dogs on most walks, although, we live at the beach and the only time she joined us for one of those walks, we got mobbed by seagulls! (probably more distressing for me than Alf as she hid inside my jacket!)

On days where it's been very sunny, we give her some shade. Once David rigged up a brolly on a garden fork so she could sit under it!

Hope Harvey is still enjoying his "free" time!



P.s. tried to upload a photo of Alf but it was too big, so here is a link (hopefully) some pics of Alfie in her harness!


http://cid-570cc52d11a02d5e.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Alfie<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2009/09/10 11:55

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Congratulations Jellybeanz on succeeding with the harness. I do love taking Tobie with me on hikes and for car rides and even though he still doesn't fly, the harness makes me feel safer with him when we go away from home or might be around cars or on mountain cliffs. Pearllyn, I never have seen a grey aviator harness. Tobie's is black. I like the grey one better. It blends into his feathers.

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