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Birdie Bath-Time Pics


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So, Betty and I decided that we have to start trying to get the greys to like the water (or at least tolerate it), they do NOT like being misted, so far we got the least amount of fuss by filling up the tub with about 1.5 inches of water at the deep end and it goes to no water at the shallow end so, they can take their time getting used to the water.





Bonnie_Clyde_Bath_Time_WS_.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Sallas, at: 2009/06/03 17:25



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No, the conures definitely like water better, they will have water fights with their water bottle. One will wait for the other to unsuspectingly be underneath the water bottle and the other will push in the ball and hold it in, until the 1st bird is thoroughly wet.


The greys just stood there, Saphira gave Daddy the "puppy dog eyes" and lifted her foot to break daddies heart and make me think i was torturing her. But I know they need their baths. Saphira is just coming out of her first big moult and Thorn is going into it.

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Ibath Tyco that way also altough latley she has been prefering the spray bottle Adaya loves her bath with the spray bottle and Tyco has been watching. Yesterday it was so hot and Tyco was on he boing so I decided it time to cool off a bit it was so funny she started flapping her wings when I sprayed her and the boing started spinning so al I ad to do was keep spraying and as the boing went round and round she got absolutly soaked on every part of her body when I stopped she looked at me Like why are you stopping that felt so good.:laugh:

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The conures love the bathtub, but the greys are not sure what to make of it yet. They are not putting up a big fight like they do with the spray bottle yet, so I am hoping if I take it slow, they will learn that they can have fun in the tub...


(And it is east to clean up after them in the tub)

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