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Back from Vacation


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I just back from a week long vacation and I figured I would report how Finnigan did at our boarding facility. She did fabulous! I take my birds to a sanctuary here in Florida, she keeps them on a "boarding porch" outside. All this is completely foreign to Finnigan, who stays inside our house and is out of her cage anytime I'm home. I do bring her cage with her so she has that familiarity, but other than that, it's all new. She did just fine. I would recommend anyone taking their bird somewhere, if you can take familiar things, even just their toys, that would be best. I always tell my animals what is happening and when to expect me back. I do keep travel cages out and work on getting them in and out of those prior to the vacation or do some harness work so they are ready to go. After a week, we picked up our birds, the first day home was spent with a lot of beak grinding and resting in the same room with us. The next day, it was as if we never left. They just got right back into their routines. I love my birds beyond reason, but know that we need some time away. Take heart, our birds will be fine and this time away also probably stimulates them and maybe they enjoy the change a little bit too. Just take your time, prepare them, and make sure you have a good boarding facility to take them too. Then go and enjoy our vacation.:)

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Does this place where you boarded your birds does she keep other peoples birds on the same boarding porch are there walls between your birds and the other peoples birds If not I would be worried about illness. I so worry about my birds around other birds. I could never leave my birds unless I had a qualified birdsitter to come in and look after my birds for me.

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Tycos_Mom...no, she does not have walls, no seperate air systems or anything like that. She has about an acre of land filled with free flight aviaries and cages with birds that have been "given up". Even her garage is full...it's very sad. We did have to come to her place and meet with her, whereby we not only interviewed her and her process, but she interviewed us and where we take our birds, what they are exposed to and so forth. She is even pretty adamant that once you get past that first initial vet check, not to take your bird to the vet (unless sick) as that is where you pick up illnesses. Don't misunderstand me, I know that taking my birds where others are is a calculated risk. I have also done the pet-sitter route where we had someone come in and feed and water the birds. I didn't feel that that worked for me...I worried more about them being alone so much of the time and felt terrible that they got one hour a day of stimulation, I actually cut my vacation short to come home I felt so bad, for me it was a better to take them someplace. It's personal preference and whatever makes you feel comfortable and able to enjoy your vacation. Whatever, anyone's choice, just know that your bird will be fine and I think appreciate you more when you come home. ;)

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I am glad your vacation went well for you AND your birds :) I took a 4 1/2 day trip over Memorial Day weekend, worried about how Jenna would do for weeks ahead of time, and she did just fine. Of course, my 84 year old mom was in the house with her, and a friend came and stayed at night to make sure my mom and all the critters were ok ~smiles~

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