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Birdie Play Date?


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My friend's aunt has a 3 year old female CAG. She asked me if I wanted to have a "birdie playdate."


Apparently Rosy was a rescue and has bonded with the lady's husband. Rosy is okay with strangers in her cage, but does not do well outside the cage with strangers around. My friend's aunt thinks that maybe a play-date would be a good idea to help socialize Rosy.


I've put in a lot of effort with Ash, our 9 month CAG to socialize her with the city, people and other random things in life... but I never thought of a playdate with another CAG. Just wanted to know what everyone's thought was. Is this a good idea? Any advice?<br><br>Post edited by: rjhammy, at: 2009/06/03 08:51

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We have done play dates before with our 2 and they love it. Rangi is such a social thing and runs straight up to meet the other birds. Kea fell in love with another male grey at first sight which made me laugh.


Adive I can give is if you take Ash to their place leave her in the cage for awhile until she gets used to the surroundings and you can see that she is comfortable with the situation. When you see she is comfortable take her out but don't force them together just see what she wants to do. There are no guarantees that they will get on, but from the experience I have had with our 2 there has never ever been any aggression, just curiosity.


You might also want to ask them if they have check ups with their vet on a regular basis. You wouldn't want Ash to catch anything from another bird. I know this could be a sensitive thing to ask someone, but better safe than sorry.


I really think it is a good idea to socialise them with other birds, it's so great to watch them play.

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Jane thanks for this info!!! Boesman & Torry's cages are about a metre away from each other when I put them outside it's next to each other Torry goes to the bars to get near Boesman but he shrieks away Torry have not yet learned to climb of his cage Boesman does if he walks underneath Torry's cage T hangs upside down lol....but funny enough B doesn't even try to go to T's cage I want to put them together on the floor to see what they do but is scared they wil attack each other:ohmy:

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I know what you mean Natasha, when we got Kea I was so scared Rangi was going to make mince meat out of her as he was quiet an agressive bird and Kea was so gentle.


We let them out together and they did a bit of beak clashing but that was it. He was also very possesive of his cage and I thought no way is he going to allow Kea in there, but surprise surprise within 2 months she was Queen of his cage.


All the times we have let them out with other greys we have never ever had a problem. Once they met an Amazon and a Macaw and Rangi wanted to make friends but the Amazon and Macaw told Rangi straight out that he was the wrong species, so he went back to the greys.

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