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She did it!


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I saw a Cag on You Tube singing the the theme song to the "COPS' t.v. show and decided to teach it to Whisper. She got the "Bad bird, bad bird" portion of the song right away. This week I decided to teach her the second line which is "whatcha gonna do?"


Tonight she sang both lines together. "Bad bird, bad bird, whatcha gonna do?" It was so cute! I would get it on video but my recorder is out on loan right now. In a few weeks I will start adding on the rest of the song.


It has been a big week for vocabulary. She has said 5 new things this week. She was averaging 1 new phrase a week but she has been really yakkity yak this week. I thing it has something to do with the Cockatoo I rescued.


It has taken me forever to type this message because she is trying to destroy the keyboard.

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That would be so cute to watch if you can teach her the whole song, I would be rolling on the floor laughing my can off so get that recorder back real soon ya hear.


She may feel she has to compete with the cockatoo and show him/her that she is top bird.

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Thats so cute Slater Catlian Grey sing the firstpart and the second part she put that on video the other day it was really cute. I'd love to hear the whole thing being sung by a Grey that would be so awesome. Ive been teaching my birds a new song also when they get it down perfectly I'll borrow my daughters video camera and record it for you. but you just have to get whisper on tape for us and soon I just gotta to hear her sing I bet she sond so adorable

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Judy..I think you are right about the competing. Whisper will be on her stand talking up a storm and the Cockatoo will be on her stand jabbering away but I can't understand a word the cockatoo says. It sounds like 2 people having a conversation in 2 different languages. It is hilarious!


Also whenever the Cockatoo gets loud I do not respond. I just walk out of the room. I don't want to reinforce the behavior. But Whisper is over there saying "Stop it!, stop it!" So I guess I have to take Whisper out of the room with me since she won't ignore it.:lol:


I will definitely get it on video when I get it back.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/03 03:27

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judygram wrote:

That sounds like my two parrots, Sunny will do some of her vocalizing and Josey will be quiet and all of a sudden she says "shut up" she doesn't say anything else but that so I know she knows what it means.




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Aww thats great that Whisper learned the bad bird song! I also saw it on youtube and had to teach my moms grey Slater! How did you teach Whisper? I recorded myself on a phone recording machine and played it for him everyday and now he won't stop saying it lol! He only picked up the "bad bird, bad bird, whatcha gona do" part and he hasn't even tried to say the "whatcha gonna do when I come for you" so thats weird. Lol he is funny and I bet your Whisper is just like him! I can't wait to see Whispers video! Check out Slaters video that I made! ;)http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/140741-another-slater-video.html#140799<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/03 04:53

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Well now she only has the first two lines so far. I will wait until that is "fixed" in her mind before I start on the rest of it so that she won't mix it up.


I did not do a recording. I just say it occasionally to her. Whisper has never responded well to recordings. she picks things up that I say to her.

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