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I've been outsmarted


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Cleo loves her time out of the cage, like any AG. In the past she has always let me know she wasn't happy by going back in by clucking at me. Now she's taken it to a new level and is actually trying to foil my attempts to put her back in.


She's been great at stepping up and down, but now when I put my arm in the cage and tell her to step down, she will throw herself forward and end up hanging upside down from my sleeve, making it impossible for me to put her safely back inside. It didn't take her long at all to figure out that if she's upside down, I have to take her back out and reposition her on my arm or hand and try again.


She's such a bugger, hanging there upside down, refusing to budge. It's very hard for me not to laugh at her when she performs like this, and I try my best to remain serious and "in control". Deep down I know it's her that calls the shots though, but I like to pretend...

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Oh Cleo sounds like a little devil and a very smart devil haha! Ecko also LOVES his out of cage time and he HATES to go in his cage! It is a little struggle to get him to go into his cage. When I put him in to step down onto his perch he usually jumps onto my arm and onto my shoulder and then flies away! He decides he wants to fly to the highest place in the house so I can't reach him too. When I get him inside he throws a fit in there and climbs all over and bites the cage to get out and it makes me feel so guilty for leaving him!

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My birds are very well trained that way when I say ok nite nite time into your houses they go into their cages. I can pretty much say into your houses any time and they go sometimes Fergie will give me a bit of greif but as soon as I pick up a perch to step her up onto she useually goes into her cage on her own. I gues she figures one way or another moms going to get me in there so I'll go peacefully. Adaya so far has been really good about it also I still have to physicly pick her up and put her in her cage but she's pretty good about stepping down onto her boing in her cage. I'm hopeing that she will learn by watching the other birds go into their cages on their own and do the same thing we shall see.

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Lol...we've all been outfoxed by our greys as some point, yours truly included.


To help with your problem and avoid the confrontation, I'd suggest training her to go into her cage by herself (often I find my Grey will stop stepping up because he associates it with being put back in his cage if I put him in there) When she's on top of her cage show her a really yummy treat and show her that you've put in it her food dish--she should clamber in to get it. Use cue 'In your house' etc. as she climbs toward the door and praise her once she gets inside.

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