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Ziva's results are in


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I'm home with a migraine and this is not the house for that. I called Zoogen for the results and Ziva and my lovebird were screaming. I hung up the phone and thought my head was going to explode and I kind of lost it.


I yelled - All right. All right. All right!!!!


Z stopped screaming, looked at me and said in a sing-songy voice, "YOU'RE being too noisy!"


I said, "Oh, yeah? Well, you're a boy!"


Z - "OOOOOOH SH$T! Well...."

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I knew it was a boy and the vet was right too, well congrats on a boy and will you change his name to "Z"?


I know how those migraine headaches are, I suffered thru them for years, nothing you can do but go to bed, hope you feel better soon.

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I knew it was a boy and the vet was right too, well congrats on a boy and will you change his name to "Z"?


I know how those migraine headaches are, I suffered thru them for years, nothing you can do but go to bed, hope you feel better soon.

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OH MY! Ziva is a BOY?! Haha I guess Ziva doesn't like that. Oh sh*t well.. what now? haha He is so smart! Wow that sounds weird calling Ziva a he.. lol! It must be even weirder for you. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/02 22:10

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Ziva is such a smart and funny bird!!! I guess it doesn't really matter that he is a HE instead of a SHE, and he won't care if you change his name or not . . . Ziva is not exactly a name anybody would know, so you could just keep it . . . it will be a while before you stop calling him "she" though, I bet! hehehehe Hope your head is better

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I'm not sure what to do with his name. He was Diva for 6 years and then I changed it to Ziva AKA ZivaDiva.


Ziva is a Hebrew name meaning Brilliance, Brightness, Light of God and is the name of a character on NCIS. The male version is Ziv "Zeev". Don't know if I'm going to call him Z or Ziv. He already knows Diva after 6 years and says it quite frequently but has also been changing it to Ziva. I had already been calling him Ziv and Z that wouldn't be much of a change. I had really believed Z was male but it's still a shock.


I work in HIV/AIDS and have a lot of patient's that are gay and/or transgendered so having a male parrot named Diva is kind of funny and appropriate.

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